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Phosphorus and cut system on the productivity and tillering of the capim-de-raiz (Chloris orthonoton, Doell)

The work was carried out in a greenhouse, at the Animal Science Department/UFRPE, from October 2000 to May 2001, to evaluate the effect of phosphorus fertilization and different cut systems on the productivity and tillering of the capim-de-raiz (Chloris orthonoton, Doell). The experimental design was completely randomized, distributed in a factorial arrangement 3 x 2 x 2, being three levels of application of phosphorus fertilizer (0, 100 and 200 kg/ha of P2O5), two cut frequencies (30 and 40 days) and two cut intensities (5 and 15 cm). Significant interaction between cut frequency and cut intensity as well as phosphorus fertilization and cut frequency for the DM yield was observed. The best combination between cut frequency and cut intensity was 40 days and 5 cm, respectively, with 10.66 g/pot of DM. The phosphorus fertilization showed higher efficacy when the cut frequency was 40 days (11.70 g/pot of DM). Phosphorus fertilization, cut frequency and cut intensity showed significant effect on the tillering process.

basal tillering, dry matter production; lateral tillering; phosphorus fertilizer

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil