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Effects of cutting height managements on yield and composition of different annual pastures

Efeito do manejo sobre a produção e composição de diferentes pastagens anuais


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different pre-cutting and residual heights of Pearl millet, Sudangrass, and Sorghum pastures on yield, morphological and chemical composition. The experimental design was the randomized blocks, with four experimental units per treatment. It was evaluated three species of forage: 1) Pearl millet (MIL; Pennisetum americanum); 2) Sudangrass (SUD; Sorghum sudanense); and 3) Sorghum (SOR; Sorghum bicolor); and two cutting managements: I) 50:20 - cutting height at 50 cm and 20 cm residual height; and II) 85:10 - cutting height at 85 cm and 10 cm residual height. Managements of cutting height affected neither forage yield per cut nor total forage yield. Sudangrass had less cuts than MIL and SOR when submitted to the 50:20 management. The 85:10 management increased stem proportion and leaf to stem ratio, and reduced leaf proportion in comparison with the 50:20 management. The 50:20 management reduced forage contents of fiber and organic matter, and increased forage contents of crude protein and total digestible nutrient. Sorghum exhibited greater nutritive value due to increased leaf proportion. The 50:20 management increased number of cuts and improved nutritive value of forages, regardless of species evaluated in this study.

Forage quality; Grassland; Intensive systems; Pastoralist strategies; Plant production

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Adhemar de Barros nº 500 - Ondina , CEP 41170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil