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Storage of black-oat seeds produced in different soil fertility conditions

The present study investigated the performance of Avena strigosa Schreber seeds, cv. Comum, produced under three different soil fertility conditions and stored in four storage environments. The seed lots were stored for 60 months, packed in a paper bag, in natural laboratory environment, dry chamber (30 to 40% of R.H.), refrigerator (5 to 7º C) and freezer (-20º C). The seed moisture content and the germination percentage were evaluated quarterly. Seeds produced in soil with less fertility presented lower storage capacity, mainly in the natural laboratory environment, where the germination was zero percent after 48 months of storage. Seeds produced in soil with high fertility presented germination superior to 90% at 60 months, when they were stored in a refrigerator or freezer. The refrigerator and freezer environments were the most favorable conditions for seed preservation; while the natural environment of laboratory was the worst. The less favorable conditions of storage enhanced the greatest preservation capacity shown by the seeds produced in high fertility soil.

Avena strigosa; seed preservation; germination; vigor

Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes R. Raja Gabaglia, 1110 , 86060-190 Londrina - PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 43) 3025 5120 - Londrina - PR - Brazil