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Seed vigor and the agronomic performance of cotton plants

Seed vigor may influence seedling emergence, plant field performance and yield, depending on species and environmental factors. Thus, one of the most important challenges to the researcher is to evaluate the influence of the physiological potential of seeds on the plant cycle. The objective of this study was to evaluate seed vigor effects on the morphophysiological characteristics of cotton plants, as well as on cotton seed and fiber yield. Three seed lots of the cultivar FMT 701 (produced in the 2005/2006 cropping year) were selected, based on laboratory evaluations. Seed vigor effects were evaluated in the field during the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 seasons. The experiments were conducted in Jaciara county, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The percentage of emerged seedlings, speed of emergence index, plant height, number of branches bearing cotton balls, number of nodes, number of fruiting positions, number of cotton balls, cotton seed and fiber production were evaluated. Initial and reproductive performances were found to be dependent on seed vigor and other factors. High vigor plants produced more fiber and seed.

Gossypium hirsutum; vigor tests; physiological potential; yield

Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes R. Raja Gabaglia, 1110 , 86060-190 Londrina - PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 43) 3025 5120 - Londrina - PR - Brazil