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Radish seed vigor and plant field performance

The relationship of laboratory seed germination and vigour to seedling emergence and stand establishment is well documented in the literature. However, there is less information relating these effects to plant development and yield. The aim of this research was to evaluate whether differences in radish seed vigour would affect crop performance. Four seed lots of 'Gigante Siculo' and three of 'Cometa' were subjected to germination (speed and percentage), saturated salt accelerated aging, controlled deterioration, electrical conductivity, and seedling emergence tests to identify possible differences in seed physiological potential. A field experiment was performed by direct sowing and effects of seed physiological potential were overcome by adjusting seed rates according to germination percentage of each lot, to obtain a stand of 20plants.m-1 in a row spacing of 0,20m. The practices of land preparation, fertilizer application, irrigation and weed control were standard for radish culture. Seedling emergence count was made 11 days after sowing, and plant height, plant dry weight and number of leaves/plant were determined at 11, 18, 23, and 30 days after sowing. At harvest (30 days after sowing), seed lots were rated for root yield (t.ha-1). 'Gigante Siculo' plant development during the first 18 days as measured by plant height and dry matter accumulation was affected by seed vigour. This effect was also detected in 'Cometa' during plant vegetative growth, but was not sufficient to influence root yield.

Raphanus sativus; vegetable; physiological potential; yield

Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes R. Raja Gabaglia, 1110 , 86060-190 Londrina - PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 43) 3025 5120 - Londrina - PR - Brazil