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Climatology of the Episodes of Precipitation in Three Locations in the Paraná State


The objective of this study was to analyze the amount, distribution, duration and intensity of the episodes of precipitation occurred in three locations in the state of Paraná, Brazil, with different climatic conditions. The locations analyzed were Paranavaí (23°05’ S; 52°26’ W; 480 m), Guarapuava (25°21’ S; 51°30’ W; 1058 m) and Morretes (25°30’ S; 48°49’ W; 59 m) in the period 1976 to 2013. It was considered as an episode any precipitation ≥ 1 mm, and after three hours without raining started a new episode. The data were submitted to regression analysis, analysis of variance and comparison of means by Tukey test and descriptive statistics. The state of Paraná presents most of precipitations during spring and summer, although the longer episodes of rainfall occurred mostly during autumn and winter. Regional climate characteristics induce different patterns in the precipitation. The station of Morretes, located on the coast, recorded high amounts of precipitation, especially in summer, with more distributed rainfall at various duration intervals and with light intensity. The station of Paranavaí, at a lower altitude, had less rainfall, but with major episodes of short duration and moderate intensity. The station of Guarapuava, located in mountainous region, presented well-distributed rainfall in the seasons of the year and under predominantly moderate intensity.

rainfall; rainfall duration; rainfall intensity

Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia Rua. Do México - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, +55(83)981340757 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil