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Evaluation of the postural control in young adults by use of Foam-laser dynamic posturography and power plataform

One of the most important tasks of the human postural control system is to keep the body balanced on the base of support provided by the feet. As a gravity sensor, the vestibular system is one of the most important tools of the nervous system in the control of the posture. When there is a malfunction in this system the individual starts to present a group of symptoms in which the vertigo generally is preponderant. The present study had as objective to correlate the results of the postural control evaluation in young peolple obtained through the Dynamic Posturography Foam-laser (FLP) and platform force. For the accomplishment of the study were invited 31 volunteers (19 men and 11 women) that were submitted to the evaluation of the postural control through the Dynamic Posturography Foam-laser and power platform simultaneously. The results reveled that there was strong correlation among the values obteined in the tests of sensorial organization (TOS) and area displacement pressure center (PC) at power platform in all TOS. In TOS III, V e VI respectively, correlation was observed strong enters the results of the examinations in FPL and power platform, with r = - 0,79, r = 0,70 and r = - 0,80. This study concludes that the FLP is a very useful method for evaluation of the balance, and this results show strong correlation with pressure center displacement area

postural control; stabilometry; posturografy dynamic; power platform

Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 278, 6º and., 01318-901 São Paulo SP, Tel.: +55 11 3106-7544, Fax: +55 11 3106-8611 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil