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Acute cardiovascular responses to strength exercise in three different execution patterns

The pattern of execution can influence the acute cardiovascular responses during exercise. The study observed the heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and double product (DP) during leg extension executed in three different ways - single-leg (SL), double-leg (DL) and alternate (AL). Ten healthy volunteers (28 ± 5 years-old) performed three bouts of 10 maximum repetitions of each execution pattern, with a two min interval between sets. The sessions for SL, DL, and AL were held at different days, with a 24 h interval. The results for the observed variables in each execution pattern and bout were respectively: HR1=108.6 vs 117.3 vs 110.9; HR2=120.0 vs 130.1 vs 130.0; HR=125.3 vs 137.1 vs 135.2; SBP1=143.8 vs 150.0 vs 144.8; SBP2=155.8 vs 159.6 vs 158.8; SBP3=159.6 vs 166.0 vs 164.8; DP1=15609.8 vs 17873.4 vs 16246.6; DP3=20016.8 vs 23175.2 vs 22572.0. There were no significant differences between the execution patterns in each bout. After the 2nd bout, the absolute HR and DP responses were higher for AL and SL, in comparison with DL. We conclude that the execution pattern did not significantly influence the acute cardiovascular responses. However, higher responses were systematically observed for the AL and SL patterns in a multiple series design. This information should be taken into account in programs aimed at subjects with cardiovascular disease.

heart rate; blood pressure; double product; strength training; physical fitness

Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 278, 6º and., 01318-901 São Paulo SP, Tel.: +55 11 3106-7544, Fax: +55 11 3106-8611 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil