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The country holidays in Barcelona (1930-1932). Iconographical analysis of the gender key experience


In 1930, the School Colonies had the purpose of improving the conditions of the most disadvantaged children. Another purpose was to send gender behaviours and values. The research that reveals this reality is not very abundant. Its function is to project a new perspective of education from 1930. Thus, this work examines the memories of the country holidays published between 1930 and 1932by the city hall of Barcelona. The source is the iconography. From this procedure we have verified that the image illustrates differences between in relation to the physical representation in the space, the activities carried out throughout the experience and the dress of the minors. These aspects lead us to affirm that the school colonies improved the colonists' health and they strengthened certain sexist learning and behaviours. These reinforced the ideal of women as the supreme protagonist of the home and of men as a representative of public space.

country holidays; gender; iconography; Segunda República Española

Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Av. Colombo, 5790 - Zona 07 - Bloco 40, CEP: 87020-900, Maringá, PR, Brasil, Telefone: (44) 3011-4103 - Maringá - PR - Brazil