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Contribution of the basic food basket to the nutritional state of diabetic elderly in an assistance program in a southern Brazilian city

Ensuring access in quantity, quality and regularity to foods is a constitutional and human right. As a result, public food safety programs seek to focus their efforts on the most socially vulnerable populations. The main objective of this work was to investigate the energetic contribution and macronutrients composition for the diet food basket offered by Programa Cidadania Alimentar (PCA) from the city of Canoas to the nutritional state of diabetic elders. A descriptive study was conducted, including 163 diabetic elderly of both genders enrolled in PCA, who received the benefit of a diet package food. It was perceived that 76.1% of the enrolled participants are female, 68.1% showed body mass index (BMI) classification of >27kg/m², indicating overweight. The diet food basket composition supplied by the PCA includes the average of 924.4 kcal/day, distributed in 54.2% of carbohydrates, 13.4% of proteins and 32.5% of fats. The results showed good energetic adequacy of a diet food basket when the estimate energy requirements (ERR) for elders is taken into account. However it is suggested a program reevaluation in order to promote health acts considering BMI found in this population.

Nutritional status; Diabetes Mellitus; Elderly; Basic food basket; Food and Nutrition Security; Government Programs

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil