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Methods and operational aspects of an epidemiological study and evaluation of Rede Cegonha



To describe the methodological and operational aspects of an epidemiological and an evaluation of Rede Cegonha in Santa Catarina, Brazil.


The research carried out in 2019 was composed of two sub-studies. Regarding the first, whose design was epidemiological and analyzed prenatal, delivery and immediate puerperium care addressed to pregnant women, puerperal women and children assisted at SUS, the instruments used for data collection and the organization of the field of the study are described. The other sub-study was a normative assessment of municipal management in prenatal and postpartum care within the scope of Rede Cegonha. It began with an evaluability assessment followed by the assessment itself. The different methodological strategies adopted are described, with the involvement of stakeholders and experts.


The response rate of the epidemiological sub-study was 97.7%. Women residing in 82.7% of Santa Catarina's municipalities were interviewed. The sample was similar to that registered in SINASC for the same period, and the characteristics of the sub-sample interviewed after six months was similar to the global sample. The evaluation study improved and applied a model with 32 indicators that allowed to analyze the municipalities considering the political-organizational and tactical-operational aspects. Two hundred and four municipalities answered the questionnaire (69.1%); they were evaluated according to their respective population size.


The availability of methodological procedures of studies that articulate epidemiological and evaluation methods allows generating more accurate and complete information and contribute with the design and evaluation of health policies, programs and actions.

Epidemiology; Health evaluation; Health services research; Methods

Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 - 2º andar - sl. 3 - Cerqueira César, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brasil , Tel./FAX: +55 11 3085-5411 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil