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Experience in teaching pathology during the pandemic



Pathology is a basic discipline that acts as a link between basic and clinical-surgical cycles. Since the beginning of 2020, with the pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SarsCoV-2) and the implementation of emergency remote education (ERE), the pathology course in our institution has undergone changes and adaptations. This paper aims to report the activities developed in our college for the teaching of general pathology, within the context of ERE and discuss how part of these strategies may be incorporated after the end of the pandemic.

Experience report:

For teaching macroscopic changes we used discussions with filmed surgical specimens while microscopic changes were developed in the so-called “Atlas Project”.


Our project was very dynamic and widely accepted by students with a more proactive attitudes, especially regarding the study of microscopic cases. The strategies also lent themselves very well as a formative form of evaluation.


Many of the strategies that have been developed by different groups of teachers during this pandemic have brought very interesting alternatives that should be incorporated into the course even when face-to-face classes are resumed. The filmed pieces include the study of macroscopy during this period of restrictions and can be incorporated into the classroom routine, interspersed with the techniques used previously. The Atlas Project was a positive experience, highlighting the role of the student as the protagonist of his teaching/learning process and work in small groups as main points.

Pathology; Microscopy; Undergraduate Medical Training; COVID-19

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