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Curricular integration in the education of health professionals: reflections about the process of changes in Unifeso's graduation courses

The aim of this article is to discuss curricular integration in the education of health professionals on the basis of an experience, the Movement for Curricular Changes in the Medicine, Nursing and Dentistry Courses of the Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos (UNIFESO), Teresópolis - RJ. This text presents the process of constructing transversal axes between the three mentioned courses. In the first semester of 2007 an immersion workshop was held in the institution for identifying common subject matters. The workshop resulted in a proposal of four transverse axes composing the curricular dimensions of the three courses: Individual and Collective Semiology; Ethics and Humanism; Knowledge Construction and Production; and Health Policies and Management. Those axes are interlinked and crosscut the entire education of these health professionals. In fact, this proposal is put in practice in the institution's every-day curricular routine. By disclosing this experience we intend to promote the possibilit y of an integrated curriculum for the different health professions as a potentializer of teamwork.

Education; Health; Curriculum; Professional Practice

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil