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Student Perceptions of Teaching and Learning Human Anatomy

This study aimed to investigate student perceptions regarding the teaching and learning process in the subject of Human Anatomy, an integral part of the Biology and Nursing courses at the university studied. This is a qualitative study of a descriptive, exploratory nature conducted at a university in the midwest region of Rio Grande do Sul state. It was performed with ten students from each of the courses involved, who were all enrolled for the discipline concerned and attended the Human Anatomy Laboratory. Semi-structured interviews yielded the qualitative data that was subjected to content analysis. Perceptions therefore emerged of the teaching and learning process of the subject and its importance to vocational training. It can be concluded that the perceptions of academics are determined by the obstacles faced for effective learning. Difficulties trigger feelings of helplessness and discouragement in students. In this context a major challenge emerged to be encouraged, to propose studies that consider the opinions of students and promote platforms for exchange and the collective construction of the actual training process.

Perceptions; Anatomy; Higher Education; Medical Education; Learning

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