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The Educational Program for Health Work at the Cafezal Health Center: promoting healthy life habits

This is an experience report of the scholarship students and volunteers of health science courses of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) who participated in the PET-Health project, under the supervision of five preceptors and one tutor. The project was carried out at the Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) Cafezal in the city of Belo Horizonte. The objective of the project was the diffusion of healthy lifestyle concerning physical activity and nutrition. The aim of this report is the characterization of the experiences of this tutorial group. The monitors were able to experience the service routines of primary care by monitoring different activities in all sectors of the PHCU-Cafezal. The most relevant aspects of the project were multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation, in accordance with the principles of respect and ethics, the routine observation and operation of PHCU, as well as the opportunity to apply the recently acquired academic knowledge. This teaching and learning strategy enabled the students to practice the updated principles of preventive health care adopted by SUS, due to the principle of indivisibility of university extension projects, innovative teaching strategies and research.

PET-Saúde; C.S. Cafezal; public health; primary health care; experience report; interdisciplinary

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