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Developing Communication Competences: An Experience with Narrative Medicine


The pourpose of this article is to describe na experience with Narrative Medicine and relfect on the potenctialities of this approach for the development of communication skills. This practice has been incorporated into the activities developed by the communications unit of the 3º grade of the Medicne Course of the Escola Superior de Cieências da Saúde - ESCS of the government of the Federal District. After a brief review of literature about Narrative Medicine, some activities carried out in the unit will be reported. In diferente Works we identified narrative skills, wich are importante for the development of a) observation; b) empathy; c) the student-patient relationship; d) comprehension of the patient’s perceptions; e) the ability to integrate the biological, psycological and social dmensions. We found that many students were able to relfect on the medical practice and the experience they went through. These first results seem to indicate the potentiality of this approach for the development of skills necessary for creating competence in communication, aiming at a medical practice consistente with the biopsychosocial model.

Narrative Medicine; Education, Medical; Communication; Phsysician-Patiant Relations

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil