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Antibiotic and Art: an Innovative Approach in Medical Education



To stimulate the practice of critical thinking and creativity and considering the complexity associated with antibiotic learning, the Antimicrobial Artistic Sensitivity Test (TSaA) was created, which is an innovative activity in antimicrobial teaching that evaluates knowledge and clinical reasoning through artistic presentations. Since the second semester of 2014 (2014.2), TSaA has proven to be an integrative practice in antimicrobial teaching for fifth-semester medical students of the University of Fortaleza/CE (UNIFOR). The objectives of this study were to analyze TSaA as a methodology of antimicrobial teaching / learning and students’ satisfaction with this practice.


Fifth-semester medical students were divided into eight groups, each one with twelve participants. Students were challenged to show their knowledge of one class of antimicrobial drug using art as the communication tool. Each group was assigned to work with a specific class of antibiotic, which was previously randomly selected. Two teachers simultaneously evaluated the presentation, using a specific form to carry out this evaluation. In the end of the activity, students were invited to answer a questionnaire, with objective and subjective questions, addressing their perceptions of the activity, the benefits on antibiotic learning and identified difficulties.


A total of 92 students participated in the study. The methodology used to carry out the TSaA activity was considered adequate by 82% of the participants. Staging performance and music were the most frequently chosen forms of presentation. The majority of the participants indicated TSaA as a valuable strategy to facilitate antimicrobial learning. The association between antibiotic study and art was considered an amusing way of content learning. According to students’ perception, this practice also stimulated teamwork. In the students’ opinion, there was indeed a greater content learning with this activity.


The Antimicrobial Artistic Sensitivity Test facilitated antimicrobial learning, stimulating the creativity and critical/logical thinking of fifth-semester medical students.

Active Methodology; Art; Medical Education

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil