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Admissions to medical residency at the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro: perceptions by applicants concerning the test model

This article reports on the opinions of applicants admitted to the medical residency programs at the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (based on those that applied for specialties without prerequisites) in relation to the test model, according to the changes proposed by the 2005 admissions committee. The admissions tests were elaborated on the basis of the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Studies in Medicine and a specific ruling by the National Commission on Medical Residency. A structured questionnaire with closed questions was distributed randomly to the applicants that passed the admissions tests. The majority of the respondents (84.16%) rated each stage of the admissions process as "very good" or "good", with the highest rating going to the practical examination with patients. The authors discuss the necessary healthcare skills that served as the basis for the principal changes in the admissions process. Another relevant point was the importance of interdisciplinary integration in the admissions committee. The high approval rate shows that the changes were pertinent, and that the scores attributed to the various stages can help improve the admissions process and serve as an evaluation tool for recent medical school graduates.

Educational measurement; Internship and Residency; Aptitude; Clinical Competence

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