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Comparing the Efficiency of Training in Orotracheal Intubation with Educational Video Versus Checklist


The paper reports on an experience by medical students to develop educational videos which aim to improve learning and strengthen the theoretical and practical foundations of orotracheal intubation.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the learning retention of undergraduate medical students through the use of educational videos containing medical procedures.


30 undergraduate medical students were randomized in two study groups, one received educational videos and other received theoretical material (checklist). A comparison was made to evaluate and compare their learning in relation to the orotracheal intubation procedure.


All the students demonstrated improved practical and theoretical knowledge of the orotracheal intubation procedure. (p < 0.00), no difference was found in the procedure execution between the groups (p = 1) and, regarding theoretical knowledge, the study group that used videos presented superior performance in the evaluation (p < 0.041).


The two pedagogical tools both enhanced the students’ knowledge, where the group that used videos showed deeper theoretical knowledge of the procedure, but procedure execution was identical between groups.

Medicine; Educational Videos; Simulation; Tracheal Intubation; Medical Education

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