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Theoretical Contributions of Habermas' Communicative Action for the Active Learning Methodologies


In this article we aim to apply Habermas’ theory of communicative action in active methodologies (Problems Based Learning) to the learning/teaching process in small groups. We show how the theory of communicative active action can be used for developing a better interaction inside the group, through intersubjective recognition providing the possibility of recognizing the “alter! And themselves and, from this point on, being able to achieve a consensus. Habermas, today’s great thinker of the Frankfurt School, follows in his work the line of his predecessor, Horkheimer and Adorno, but trying to rebuilt and amplify the criticaltheory of society. The author proposes a concept of society considering it at the same time a system and a ‘lifeworld’. He also believes communicative action to be a consituent of socienty and, based on this idea, attempts to rebuid the philosophy of rationality. Habermas’ communicative action theory has great ethical implications. According to him, cognitive development allows a global “decentered” not egocentric understanding of the world. The communicative action theory involves all fields of rationality and action, ethical, social and phychological, in summary, everything related to man and his interactions, thus being a valuable model to be used for moral and ethical development in samll groups of students.

Ethics; Bioethics; Education in Health

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