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Communication skills in medical teaching: structure, experience and challenges in new medical curricula

This article relates an experience of a group of teachers of the Integrated Medical Course of the State University of Londrina in teaching communication in the Skills Module. The awareness of the importance of communication skills not only in the doctor-patient relationship but also in the evolution of diseases led to the design of a module with progressive difficulties throughout the first years of the course. The content of the module ranges from observation of patients in the waiting room to discussions on how to transmit information, treatment adherence and management of special groups of patients in different stages of life. The methods used include observation of patients, interviews, group discussions, role-playing, films, round tables, conferences and statements of patients. The evaluation occurs in two parts: formative and cognitive. The training of communication skills is aimed at developing the ability of the student to establish a good doctor-patient relationship, history taking and transmission of information and at promoting treatment adherence.

Communication; Education, Medical, Undergraduate; Patient-Centered Care; Medical Education

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