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The Moodle as a reinforcement to classroom teaching of course parasitology and mycology in undergraduate medical course

The classroom teaching in undergraduate courses remain the focus of teaching and learning. With the advent of new technologies for learning, some tools have been used to reinforce classroom teaching. The platform Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Distance Learning) has been one of the most used in educational institutions. This study assessed the relationship of classroom learning using institutional Moodle in the discipline of Medical Parasitology and Mycology of the School of Medicine, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA). As a support to this activity, on the course page registered in the Moodle system were provided clinical cases for students to perform the diagnosis. Furthermore, additional information was made available for classroom teaching. The methodology sought to exercise the learning tools that Moodle offers, such as links to a file or website, the discussion forums, the questionnaire and chat tools. As Moodle is institutional, in it is available the discipline's page, which now contains all information concerning the same, as well as the extra class activities.

Classroom Teaching; Learning; Medical Education

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