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Problem Based Learning and the Adaptable Resources of Medical Students


This objective of this paper is to describe the way in which medical students, whose personal resources vary, evaluate their learning experience through the Problem-Based Learning methodology (PBL), With participation in Reflection Groups as the source of information. The study was conducted with 12 second-year students from the School of Medicine in Marília. The students were divided into two groups, differentiated by their adaptive level. Five meetings were held with each for the Reflection Group, and the basic purpose was to the reflect on the learning experience through PBL. The groups were taped with audio and video equipment and were then categorized and compared. Data analysis suggests that successful implementation of PBL an depend partially on the students’ personal resources. It is thus necessary to facilitate the development of such resources as well as students’ level of maturity. Investments in this direction are required, since prior academic experience generally did not favor such skills.

Education, Medical - trends; Problem Based Learning - methods; Group processes

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