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Strategies for the advancement of integrality according to teachers' and students' view

Integrality represents a guiding principle of the Unified Health System (SUS); it assumes openness to multiple possibilities of care, management and organization of work, which require a broad understanding of this system. The objective of this research is to identify and analyze the teachers' and students' suggestions for the advancement of integrality. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach; four teachers and 58 medicine and nursing students participated in it. Data were obtained by Focus Group through the following question: what do you think it should be done for the development of care integrality in this learning scenario? The results were treated by the Thematic Content Analysis Technique and three categories were pointed out: health care training, understanding of the Unified Health System, and professional status. According to participants, these are some of the necessary strategies to effectively develop integrality; for they demonstrate the importance of understanding the current health system from the professional's training, as well as the appreciation of health professionals in order to reach integrality.

Health Education; Comprehensive Health Care; Faculty; Students; Medical Education

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