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Curricula Oriented According to Competencies and Students’ Understanding of Integrality


This research evaluates how the curriculum of a university in the interior of São Paulo contributes to the comprehension of integrality by the students of the first and two series of Nursing and Medicine courses, structured according to the National Curricular Guidelines (DCN). This understanding is important since the initial series to advance from the biomedical model to the biopsychosocial. This is a qualitative educational case study, carried out through an interview with four open questions: 1. What is your understanding of integrality and health needs? 2. How do you understand the human being after one / two year (s) experience in Famema? 3. How have Unit, Systematized Educational (UES) and Professional Practice (UPP) activities contributed to their understanding of what health needs are? 4. How have the activities of the UES and UPP contributed to their understanding of care for the person in the perspective of integrality? The interpretation of the results was performed by the Content Analysis technique, in the thematic modality. This analysis allowed the organization of five thematic categories: partial comprehension of integrality and Health Need (NS) — comprehend integrality as one of the SUS principles and an important concept to approach in the faculty and research; Comprehension of integrality beyond the principle of the Unified Health System — refer to the biological, psychological and social aspects of the person and to the influence of the environment as promoter of the health-disease process; Biopsychosocial understanding of the human being — that approaches the understanding of the human being after the time of experience in Famema, of both Problematization and PBL; Fragmented understanding of the human being — shows that they do not understand the whole human being, as expected for a health professional; And theoretical contribution of the activities developed in the Systematized Educational Unit and practice of the activities of the Professional Practice Unit — also revealed what they learned in the articulation and complementarity between the scenarios and described that the UES contributes primarily to theory and UPP in the same way with The practice of care from the NS of the population. This result indicates that the curricular organization provides the training of professionals according to the profile recommended by the National Curricular Guidelines, but also demonstrates difficulties of comprehension about integrality, NS and human being, a perfectly understandable result, since the studied population is in the initial series of Courses.

Problem-Based Learning; Curriculum; Competency-Based Education; Medical Education; Nursing Education; Comprehensive Health Care

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil