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Clinical communication skills: analysis of the self-assessment of family medicine residents



Knowledge of clinical communication skills is essential for the proper practice of Family Medicine, since one of the principles of the specialty treats the doctor-person relationship as fundamental. Good communication is a basic clinical competence and must be learned, above all, during medical residency. Communication is not an innate characteristic, but a process of self-knowledge, therefore requiring self-assessments.


This study aimed to evaluate the perception of Family Medicine residents doctors in relation to their communication skills.


This is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The study setting was the set of Family Medicine Residency Programs in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba. Data collection was performed using an online questionnaire, available to be completed from September to November 2022. We used the instrument A consulta em 7 passos (7-step consultation) to construct the questionnaire. We developed scores called overall performance index (IDg), query step performance index (IDp) and item performance index (IDitem). In the statistical analysis, we used the t test for independent samples.


The average overall performance index (IDg) was 72.0%. Residents had the highest IDp rate in step 5 of the consultation (81.7%), followed by step 2 (77.6%), step 3 (76.1%) and step 6 (75.9% ). While residents had the lowest performances in descending order in steps 4 (68.9%), 7 (63.7%) and 1 (63.3%). There was no statistical significance between sexes, year of residency and residency program.


MFC residents positively evaluate their communication skills. However, there is still room forto improvement in how to encourage critical-reflective moments about the subjective phenomena that occur in the consultation. Furthermore, the use of a consulta em 7 passos is an important tool in the training and evaluation process in residency.

Health Communication; Primary Care; Family Practice; Medical Internship; Medical Education

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