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Identity of courses licentiate and bachelors’ degree in Physical Education in Parana: an analysis of the areas of knowledge

This descriptive research aimed to identify in the physical education course curriculum the distribution of workload by area of knowledge, in order to understand how the formation is characterized in Paraná, especially regarding the existence of its own characteristics for teaching and bachelors’ degree. Thus, we analyzed twenty-eight pedagogical projects through documentary analysis, in which we categorized the disciplines from the curriculum by knowledge’s areas/dimensions (specific formation and expanded formation), suggested by the Resolution CNE/CES n.7/2004. Based on the results we could observe that the specific formation results in the highest workload and the biggest quantity of disciplines. The main representative was the culture dimension of the human movement, with the highest workload for both, teachers and bachelor’s degree. This result suits the precepts for the basic formation in physical education, since it involves the knowledge identifiers that have historical tradition of the area. We also point that the courses have their own and relative identity that characterize it as a teaching and as a bachelor degree, since the didactic-pedagogic dimension have greater prominence in the training licentiate and technical-instrumental in the bachelor’s degree. The dimensions related to extended formation received the same level of importance for both courses. However, we want to emphasize that there is a need of making other researches that can support new discussions and interventions for the area, especially because the curriculum reform that determined the separation between teaching and bachelor degree is very recent.

Curriculum; Formation; Education; Intervention

Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 65, 05508-030 São Paulo SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3091 3147 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil