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Impacts of ADHD on Adolescence: Systematic Literature Review


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by harmful levels of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. Results obtained from research on the impact of ADHD on adolescents were investigated and the PRISMA 2020 recommendation was used. The databases consulted: were APA PsycNet, Lilacs, Medline, PubMed Central, Scorpus, SciELO, from the following descriptors: Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, TDAH, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD and Adolescente, Adolescentes, Adolescência, Adolescent, Teenager and Adolescence. The inclusion criteria were: articles published in journals between January 2001 and January 2021, in Portuguese and English, complete and available online, empirical studies, peer reviewed, with adolescents as participants and presenting in the title, abstract or body of the text the referred descriptors. The data were processed and organized according to the check list (PRISMA 2020 recommendation). Descriptive statistical analyzes were performed using Excel 2019. The PRISMA flowchart, table and figures were used to present the results. Sixty-eight articles were included that pointed to a variety of negative impacts on adolescent development in the social/relational, behavioral, biological, neurological, cognitive, psychological and psychopathological areas. A possible limitation of this review may be the non-inclusion of articles in languages other than English and Portuguese. The results suggest the multidimensionality of the impacts of ADHD on adolescents, requiring a multidimensional approach to avoid chronicity, reducing its effects on development.

Adolescence; Development; Negative impacts; ADHD

Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Educação Especial - ABPEE Av. Eng. Luiz Edmundo Carrijo Coube, 14-01 Vargem Limpa, CEP: 17033-360 - Bauru, SP, Tel.: 14 - 3402-1366 - Bauru - SP - Brazil