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Enrollment of special education in youth and adult education in low-Municipal Human Development Index municipalities of Minas Gerais (2007–2018)


This article analyzes data from a survey on the tendency of enrollments in special education in youth and adult education in elementary, secondary, and high schools. The study included the systematization and problematization of data from 37 municipalities in Minas Gerais separated by their Municipal Human Development Indexes from 2007 to 2018. The information listed was based on the microdata of the Basic Education School Census, which were analyzed with the aid of the software IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The results indicate a higher incidence of students’ enrollments in the early years of elementary school and their narrowing down to high school. They also point out that students with intellectual disabilities have the highest number of enrollments in youth and adult education in these years. Specifically about the municipalities with low Municipal Human Development Index, the data show the non-universalization of youth and adult education and the displacement of students to special philanthropic institutions in other municipalities.

educational indicators; youth and adult education; intellectual disability

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