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Media, image machines and pedagogical practices

In this paper, I discuss the relations between media and pedagogical school work, dealing with forms of contemporary existence, in which daily practices, especially when referred to our experience with knowledge, become ways of enrolling ourselves socially: writing, speaking, thinking about the world and about ourselves. Such practices are concerned, essentially, with the enchantment with the "new technologies", the excess and accumulation of information, our culture of images, the speed of communication, the new perceptions of time and space, memory and history, the interbreeding of languages in different machines for producing images, among others. It will also deal with contributions from the philosophy of Bergson, Foucault and Badiou, pertinent for studies on audiovisual images, and capable of linking them with works about cinema, video and television, such as those of Dubois and Silverstone, in order to show the relevance of bringing media material into the debate on contemporary pedagogical practices.

media; image; pedagogical practices; technologies of information and communication

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