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Teaching Biology by investigation: a case study in the context of education for young adults and adults* * This chapter was written based on the first author’s Master’s dissertation, by the Professional Master’s Degree in Biology Teaching at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus I.


Teaching by investigation is characterized as a practice that aims to encourage students’ protagonism, critical thinking and autonomy. The methodological approach was quantitative-qualitative, descriptive, and made use of participant observation. The data, collected through questionnaires, led to a qualitative analysis of the students, who demonstrated motivation, leadership and autonomy in the construction of knowledge. This resulted in an affirmation measured quantitatively by the significant increase in the number of students who stated, in the questionnaire, that they “understand without difficulty” the topics covered. These results pointed to a positive evaluation of the theme and methodological approach used. At the end, the students revealed, in their perceptions and attitudes, the development of meaningful learning and the potential to multiply the knowledge built, acting as transformers of their own reality.

active methodologies; protagonism; meaningful learning

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