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Reaching a Broader Audience: Mário Henrique Simonsen's International Career* * The author would like to thank Eliana Cardoso, Fernando de Holanda Barbosa, Renato Fragelli and Rubens Cysne for interviews given during the research for this article. Any errors or incorrections, however, are fully my fault.

The paper discusses Mário Henrique Simonsen's incursions in the International Economic Debate, which started as soon as he left the Brazilian Government in the early 1980s. It is argued that, although he searched for a larger audience for his papers, he focused on the most relevant areas of the Brazilian economic debate of the time, that is, external debt and inflation and its several layers: indexations, inflationary inertia, incomes policy and its social cost. Also, he wanted to influence policy, searching for concrete solutions for these problems both domestically and internationally.

Mário Henrique Simonsen; Brazilian Economists; Inflationary Inertia; Debt

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