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Bernard-Burow flap unilateral with cheek mucosa “cutback” for treatment of lower lip tumor: a case report


Lip cancer corresponds to 25-30% of all oral cancers, with the lower lip being more frequent. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common subtype, with smoking as one of the main risk factors. The report demonstrates a simple and effective technique for SCC’s surgical treatment on a smoking patient’s lower lip. Even in a defect larger than 50% of the initial lip diameter, the unilateral Bernard-Burow flap proved feasible. The addition of “cutback” in the mucosa and parsimonious dissection by planes may have provided a good aesthetic and functional evolution since it determined tension relief on the sutures. The less complex execution of this reconstruction, compared to other techniques, can guarantee a good alternative to decrease postoperative morbidity in this type of surgery.

Face; Lip neoplasms; Squamous cell carcinoma; Smoking; Plastic surgery; Reconstructive surgical procedures.

Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica Rua Funchal, 129 - 2º Andar / cep: 04551-060, São Paulo - SP / Brasil, Tel: +55 (11) 3044-0000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil