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Does any kind of brand-consumer relationship is efficient?

The aim of this study was to investigate the existence of different profiles of consumer-brand relationships and the efficiency in their business relationship. According to this, three constructs of the brand relationship theory were evaluated: self-connection, intimacy and interdependence with the brand. A survey with 441 consumers was conducted. Data was analyzed by Cluster, Factorial and ANOVA. Three different profiles were found: (1) the inertia relationship (RI), which suggests a superficial relationship and less about the power of brand differentiation, (2) the Moderate Relationship (MR), which recorded intermediate ratings in all tested variables and (3) the true relationship (RV) which shows greater closeness and connection with the brand. To check the efficiency of these types were assessed levels of satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty. Consumers of type RI tend to switch brands as soon as they realize benefits in other major competitors. MR consumers tend to demonstrate a tendency of positive attitudes toward the brand, according to the social context and brand promotion. Finally, the RV group has shown a greater tendency to continue the relationship. From a managerial perspective, perceive different intensities of relationship allow us to recognize that not every relationship is efficient.

consumer-brand relationship; efficiency in the relationship; cluster analysis

Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 908, sala F184, 05508-900 São Paulo / SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 3818-4002 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil