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The Impact of Social Interaction on Consumer's Hedonic Adaptation


This article analyzes if social interaction during shopping and consumption situations influences the level of pleasure a person both anticipates during and actually feels after shopping. Specifically, the paper analyzes the effect of consumer socialization on the hedonic adaptation process and in the actual subsequent hedonic adaptation. Three independent and complementary experiments (one divided in two parts) were carried out in an online environment (Mechanical Turk) and in a laboratory. The results confirmed the hypotheses that the hedonic adaptation forecast is weaker in consumption situations when there is social interaction, when compared to those without social interaction. Consumer socialization also effects actual hedonic adaptation, confirming the hypothesis that adaptation is weaker when there is social interaction. Overall, this research shows that, consumers forecast and actually feel stronger pleasure when there is social interaction, as compared to when there is no social contact in consumption situations. This research extends consumer behavior theory associated with hedonic adaptation, bringing new insights to companies and consumers by showing a practical way of reducing hedonic adaptation in consumption situations: social interaction.

Key words:
social interaction; hedonic adaptation; adaptation forecast; friends; experimental design

Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Pedro Taques, 294,, 87030-008, Maringá/PR, Brasil, Tel. (55 44) 98826-2467 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil