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Enzymatic modification on rice flour seeking the production of resitant starch

The aim of this work was to study the enzymatic modification on rice flour using lipase pancreatic and amyloglucosidase to obtain resistant starch. For this, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to determine the best operating conditions for each enzyme. For lypase pancreatic, the highest value for resistant starch (45%) was achieved within 2 h reaction at pH 7 using an enzyme/substrate ratio of 4% (w/w) and Dp= 100/200 tyler. For amyloglucosidase, optima conditions corresponded to an enzyme/substrate ratio of 0,006 mL/g and Dp= 100/200 tyler at 45 ºC, yielding 57% of resistant starch in 2 h reaction. These results show the potential of using both enzymes to modified rice flour, increasing the resistant starch in about 5.7 folds in relation to the flour without treatment (resistant starch=10.6%).

amyloglucosidase; modifying native starches; debranching

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Secretaria Executiva, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - bloco 3 - Superior, 05508-000 São Paulo SP - Brazil, C.P. 26.037 - 05599-970, Tel.: +55 11 3032.2299, Fax: +55 11 3814.3602 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil