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Dereplication of aporphine and oxoaporphine alkaloids from Unonopsis guatterioides BY ESI-IT-MS

The dereplication of aporphine and oxoaporphine alkaloids by direct infusion in ESI-IT-MSn system was applied for alkaloidal fractions of the Unonopsis guatterioides (Annonaceae). Its main advantage over other dereplication methods is the ability to quickly identify substances in complex mixtures without the use of coupled techniques and expensive databases. By only the fragmentation keys and comparison with literature data the aporphine alkaloids anonaine, asimilobine and nornuciferine were identified. The nornuciferine is being reported for the first time in Unonopsis. The oxoaporphine alkaloids liriodenine and lisycamine were identified in the alkaloidal fractions by comparison with the fragmentations of authentic samples.

alkaloid dereplication; Annonaceae; Unonopsis guatterioides

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