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An empirical study of the antecedents of training impact at work measures

The focus of researchers in the Training and Development (T&D) field is behavior change at work. The objective of the present study is to compare two predictive models for this change, called here, training impact at work. The research participants were 426 ex-trainees from four organizations. Validated scales were used to measure the variables in this study and the collected data have been treated by multivariate analytical procedures. The main results have shown a difference in prediction between training impact in depth and impact in breadth. Furthermore, a distal situational variable showed a predictive relationship with these two impacts, mediated by a proximal situational variable. Based on these results, it is argued that training impacts in depth and in breadth have different predictors, being different facets of the behavior change at work resulting from T&D.

training and development; behavior change; transfer of training; prediction models

Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília, 70910-900 - Brasília - DF - Brazil, Tel./Fax: (061) 274-6455 - Brasília - DF - Brazil