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[Conchita Wurst: gender and diversity in the teaching of German in Brazil]


This article aims to discuss gender as a social category in the area of German as a Foreign Language (GFL). Based on the example of a teaching material about the Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst, developed with a cultural learning orientation (ALTMAYER 2016; FORNOFF 2016; FORNOFF KOREIK 2020), it addresses possibilities for a teaching of GFL in Brazil which is sensitive to diversity. For this purpose, on the basis of gender studies (SCOTT 1995 Scott Joan. Gênero: uma categoria útil de análise histórica. Educação & Realidade, v. 20, n. 2, 1995, p. 71-99. ; LAURETIS 1994 Lauretis Teresa de. A tecnologia do gênero. In: Hollanda Heloísa Buarque (org.). Tendências e impasses: o feminismo como crítica da cultura. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1994, 206-241. Disponível em: Acesso em 02/02/2023.
; Butler [1990] 2003 Butler Judith. Problemas de Gênero: Feminismo e Subversão da Identidade. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2003 [1990]. ), the article discusses the ca tegory “gender”, exploring its relations with language, in order to demonstrate its pertinence in the context of teaching of a foreign language. Furthermore, it dialogues with previous publications that address gender issues in the area of GFL (PEUSCHEL 2018 Peuschel Kristina. Aspekte von Gender in der Sprach(aus)Bildung Deutsch (als zweite, dritte und Folgesprache). In: Dirim Ínci; Wegner Anke (org.). Normative Grundlagen und reflexive Verortungen im Feld DaF_DaZ*. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2018, p. 344-362. ; Freese & Völkel 2022 Freese Anika; Völkel Oliver Niels (org). Gender_Vielfalt_Sexualität(en) im Fach Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. Munique: Iudicium, 2022. ; Elsen 2018 Elsen, Hilke. Gender in Lehrwerken. Feministische Studien, v. 36, n. 1, 2018, p. 178-187. ), emphasizing aspects involved in discussions of gender in the classroom. Subsequently, it presents the teaching material designed by the authors, briefly characterizing the context of production, reporting on the elabo ration process, and describing the material itself. Finally, it argues that the teaching material can be considered a contribution to the promotion of a teaching of GFL sensitive to diversity.

German as foreign language; gender; diversity

Universidade de São Paulo/Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas/; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Literatura Alemã Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403, 05508-900 São Paulo/SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 11)3091-5028 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil