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Resilience of high school students

In this study we aim at evaluating the resilience of students in High School We are interested in assessing the association of student’s resilience with socio-demographic variables and the school contribution to the students´ personal development. The sample was composed by 140 students from a public school of () Porto Alegre’s metropolitan area. The instrument used was a questionnaire survey of demographic and social variables and the Resilience Scale adapted by Pesce, Assis, Avanci, Santos, Malaquias and Carvalhaes (2005) .It consists of three dimensions: Independence and determination, Resolution of actions and values, Self-confidence and Capacity to adapt to situations. Results showed the negative association between family income and dimension of resilience of Independence and determination. Positive association was identified between the perception that the school contributes to the personal development and the dimension of Resolution of actions and values.

Resilience; Students; Secondary education

Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE) Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (ABRAPEE), Rua Mirassol, 46 - Vila Mariana , CEP 04044-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Fone/Fax (11) 96900-6678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil