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Epistemological and methodological basis of documentary abstracting didactics: an abstracting competence approach

It stresses the need to include a pedagogical perspective into research documentary content treatment, focusing on didactical approach of the abstract studies. A new field research is open from the abstracting competence and its acquisition. The theoretical framework focused on competencies is defined and the implications for the career instructive design are outlined. Moreover, a holistic and dynamic model for abstracting competence is described. This competency model is reviewed from a distinction between competence (the underlying system of knowledges, skills, attitudes, etc.) and performance (abstracting). Moreover, abstracting competence is made up of a system of sub-competences that are strongly interrelated, hierarchically sequenced relations and subject to variations in context. This abstracting competence is actualised in different ways in different situations.

Didactical documentary abstract; Teaching and learning of abstracting; Abstracting competences internal dimensions; Competencies based instructive design; Abstracting curriculum design with competences

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