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Archival practice: methods of the discipline and traditional and contemporary documents

The methods and procedures carried through in archives are presented, showing the differences in the treatment of traditional and electronic archival documents. The evidence trait, the audience to which archive documents are targeted, preservation and secrecy, and security are pointed as basic premises for the work of archivists. It is concluded that archival processes had not suffered great modifications with the introduction of new technologies and document production in electronic media, but rather, a new reality was opened where the access is privileged.

Archival document; Electronic archival document; Archival practice

Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG Antonio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha, 31270- 901 - Belo Horizonte -MG, Brasil, Tel: 031) 3499-5227 , Fax: (031) 3499-5200 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil