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Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Midazolam versus Nitrous Oxide as Sedative Agents during Paediatric Dental Treatment: A Systematic Review



To identify and study the existing literature on the efficacy and safety of midazolam compared to inhalation of nitrous oxide in children undergoing dental treatment.

Material and Methods:

Electronic resources such as PubMed Central, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Lilacs, Science Direct, and SIGLE were thoroughly searched. The title scan was used to find randomised controlled trials reviewed for inclusion by reading the abstract. Studies comparing the sedative, behavioural, and anxiolytic effects and safety in children undergoing dental treatment under midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation were included. The Cochrane Reviews system software, Revman 5.4.1, was used to assess the quality of the included studies.


11328 articles were identified by screening the electronic databases, of which 10906 were eliminated after titles were read and duplicates were removed. Ten full-text articles were examined, of which three were excluded as they did not match the eligibility criteria. Hence, a total of 7 studies were included. Midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation were not statistically different in terms of the success of treatment and behaviour modification. However, midazolam showed a deeper level of sedation and resulted in amnesia in more children when compared to nitrous oxide sedation. All of the included studies were found to have a high risk of bias.


Though all the studies included showed an increased risk of bias, midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation seem equally effective sedative agents for controlling behaviour in children undergoing dental treatment. Midazolam shows a deeper sedation level when given orally and produces a higher rate of anterograde amnesia.

Deep Sedation; Midazolam; Nitrous Oxide; Child


Horace Wells, who demonstrated nitrous oxide in dentistry in 1845 [1[1] American Dental Association. Wells H. Horace Wells, dentist, father of surgical anesthesia: Proceedings of centenary commemorations of Wells; discovery in 1844 of lists of Wells' memorabilia, including bibliographies, meorials and testimonials. Hartford: Case, Lockwood and Brainard; 1948. 415p.], is credited for being the first to demonstrate the use of sedatives in dentistry, following the development of drugs for conscious sedation. Nitrous oxide-oxygen is administered via the inhalation route [2[2] Satya Prakash MVS, Sivasankar S, Elakkumanan LB, Mohan VK, Kamaladevi RK. Comparison of medication acceptance of intranasal midazolam administered by parents versus doctors in children - A randomized trial. Indian J Pharmacol 2020; 52(4):254-259.
,3[3] American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical Affairs. Guideline on appropriate use of nitrous oxide for pediatric dental patients. Pediatr Dent 2008; 30(7 Suppl):140-142.], and according to the Council of European Dentists, it is the “standard sedative procedure” in pediatric dentistry [4[4] Council of European Dentists. CED resolution on the use of nitrous oxide inhalation sedation - Update. Available from: [Accessed on].
]. This is due to the excellent sedative effects of this sedation procedure and the low risk of adverse reactions. In contrast to oral and rectal routes, inhalation bypasses the first-pass metabolism, thereby improving the drug's bioavailability [5[5] Wong YC, Zuo Z. Intranasal delivery--modification of drug metabolism and brain disposition. Pharm Res 2010; 27(7):1208-1223.
]. The inhalation route has an advantage over other alternatives because the depth and length of the sedation can be monitored and controlled more accurately [6[6] Preethy NA, Somasundaram S. Sedative and behavioral effects of intranasal midazolam in comparison with other administrative routes in children undergoing dental treatment - A systematic review. Contemp Clin Dent 2021; 12(2):105-120.
]. However, not only is the embracement of the nasal hood an obstacle in children [7[7] Sharma S, Chopra R, Mathur S, Sachdev V, Gupta K. Variations in physiological, psychomotor, and analgesic parameters during titration of nitrous oxide in 3-12 years old children managed with inhalation sedation. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13(6):650-655.
], but nitrous oxide also entails specific health and safety risks [8[8] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. Randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical trial comparing intravenous midazolam sedation with nitrous oxide sedation in children undergoing dental extractions. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(6):850-856.

On the other hand, midazolam is a “potentially ideal sedative agent” [9[9] Papineni A, Lourenço-Matharu L, Ashley PF. Safety of oral midazolam sedation use in paediatric dentistry: a review. Int J Paediatr Dent 2014; 24(1):2-13.
]. It is the most commonly used sedative agent because of its clinical therapeutic index and large safety margin [10[10] Malamed SF. Sedation: A guide to patient management. St. Louis: Mosby Incorporated; 2003. 608p.,11[11] Sheta SA, Alsarheed M. Oral midazolam premedication for children undergoing general anaesthesia for dental care. Int J Pediatr 2009; 2009:274380.
]. Oral administration of midazolam is the most prevalent route, although other routes such as intranasal, intramuscular, transmucosal, and intravenous administration have also been identified [12[12] Asnani KH. Essentials of Pediatric Dentistry. Nepal: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 2010. 260p.]. Midazolam’s short half-life allows for quick onset and recovery, making it ideal for ambulatory patients in dental practice. It does, though, have a limited action time and can lead to adverse effects such as hypoventilation and respiratory depression [13[13] Sivaramakrishnan G, Sridharan K. Nitrous oxide and midazolam sedation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Anesth Prog 2017; 64(2):59-65.

Many studies have been reported regarding the use of nitrous oxide and midazolam alone or in combination with other drugs [14[14] al-Rakaf H, Bello LL, Turkustani A, Adenubi JO. Intra-nasal midazolam in conscious sedation of young paediatric dental patients. Int J Paediatr Dent 2001; 11(1):33-40.

[15] Samir PV, Namineni S, Sarada P. Assessment of hypoxia, sedation level, and adverse events occurring during inhalation sedation using preadjusted mix of 30% nitrous oxide + 70%oxygen. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2017; 35(4):338-345.
-16[16] Lahoud GY, Averley PA. Comparison of sevoflurane and nitrous oxide mixture with nitrous oxide alone for inhalation conscious sedation in children having dental treatment: a randomised controlled trial. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(5):446-450.
]. Though there is literature available on nitrous oxide and midazolam sedation, an evidence-based comparison of the two agents still needs to be provided. Thus, the present systematic review evaluated the available literature on the efficacy and safety of midazolam sedation compared with nitrous oxide inhalation sedation in children undergoing dental treatment.

Material and Methods

Protocol and Registration

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) standards were followed for this review. This study’s protocol was filed with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) with the registration number CRD42021248731.

Inclusion Criteria

  1. Cross-over clinical trials comparing midazolam and nitrous oxide-oxygen inhalation;

  2. Studies among children (below 17 years of age) undergoing dental treatment;

  3. Studies published in the English language.

Exclusion Criteria

  1. Studies involving the administration of midazolam or nitrous oxide in patients treated under general anaesthesia;

  2. Comparison of any other drug to nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation;

  3. Ongoing studies/trials;

  4. Narrative reviews, short communications, letters to the editor, and case reports.

Literature Search Strategy

The following digital databases were accessed from 1984 until December 2022: MEDLINE - Medline (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (via PubMed), Cochrane Library, LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature), ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar.

PubMed/Cochrane Search Strategy

((((((((((((((((((((((children) OR (kids)) OR (kid)) OR (child)) OR (pediatric dental patients)) OR (uncooperative children)) OR (anxious children)) OR (pediatric dentistry)) OR (medically compromised patients)) OR (children Down's syndrome)) OR (autistic children)) OR (children cerebral palsy)) OR (children physical disability)) OR (physically disabled children)) OR (mentally challenged children)) OR (anxiety)) OR (fear)) OR (fearful children)) OR (paediatric dental treatment)) OR (pediatric dental treatment)) AND ((((nitrous oxide sedation) OR (nitrous oxide inhalation sedation)) OR (nitrous oxide oxygen sedation)) OR (laughing gas))) AND (((((midazolam) OR (midazolam hydrochloride)) OR (dormicum)) OR (hypnovel)) OR (versed))) AND ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((behaviour) OR (behavior)) OR (management)) OR (behaviour management)) OR (managing)) OR (sedative effect)) OR (sedation level)) OR (procedural sedation)) OR (conscious sedation)) OR (mild sedation)) OR (minimal sedation)) OR (anxiolysis)) OR (houpt behaviour rating scale)) OR (houpt scale)) OR (Frankl behaviour rating scale)) OR (Frankl scale)) OR (FLACC)) OR (Venham's scale)) OR (visual analogue scale)) OR (VAS)) OR (behaviour profile rating scale)) OR (kurosu behaviour evaluation scale)) OR (Ramsay sedation scale)) OR (Richmond agitation sedation scale)) OR (state behaviour rating scale)) OR (bispectral index monitoring)) OR (North Carolina behaviour scale)) OR (safety)) OR (efficacy)) OR (toxicity))

LILICAS Search Strategy

children OR pediatric dental patients OR uncooperative children OR anxious children OR pediatric dentistry [Words] AND midazolam AND nitrous oxide [Words] and behaviour management OR behaviour OR management OR managing OR sedative effect OR sedation level OR procedural sedation [Words]

Science Direct Search Strategy

Children AND dental AND midazolam AND nitrous oxide AND (behaviour management OR sedation level OR anxiety OR efficacy OR safety)

Google Scholar

The database was searched using the following keywords: midazolam, nitrous oxide, sedation, behaviour, children, and dental.

Study Selection

One author was responsible for the search technique for each database (PJ). The acquired titles were browsed through and analysed separately by two writers (PJ and DG) to identify the pertinent research. Studies replicated in several databases were eliminated, and the differences between the two authors were settled through conversation (PJ and DG). When comprehensive information on the groups and people involved was not included in the title, the abstracts of the studies were assessed. Further, full-text articles were retrieved and screened thoroughly. A manual search was conducted, and the reference lists of all full-text papers were reviewed to identify any additional studies that were not found in the computerised search. Figure 1 gives the PRISMA flow diagram. The final papers of both authors (PJ and DG) included in the discussion were appraised for study quality using the Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews standards.

Figure 1
PRISMA Flowchart.

Data Extraction

The two authors (PJ and DG) independently read the full text of the included articles and then scrutinised them together using a data extraction form. The following information was methodically gathered: Author, year and country of study, study design, sample size, age group of the participants, procedure performed, dosage and route of administration, outcomes assessed, and their findings.

Quality Appraisal

The Risk of Bias tool for randomised trials provided by the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews was used to assess the quality of the included studies [17[17] Higgins JPT, Thomas J. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell; 2019.]. The included studies were evaluated using the RevMan 5.4.1 software for the following domains: random sequence generation and allocation concealment under selection bias, blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias), blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias), absence of incomplete outcome data assessment (attrition), bereft from baseline imbalance (reporting bias) and adequate reliability. The risk of bias evaluation was carried out independently by both authors (PJ and DG), who resolved any disagreement through discussions. The reliability between the two reviewers was good (k>0.88).


Study Selection

A screening of the electronic databases identified 11328 records, of which 10906 were excluded after removing duplicates and title screening. Four hundred nine articles were screened, of which 399 were excluded based on their abstract. Ten text articles were assessed, of which three were excluded (Table 1) as they did not match the inclusion criteria. Seven full-text articles satisfied the eligibility criteria of the targeted research and were covered in this systematic review.

Table 1
List of excluded studies with reasons.
Table 2
Characteristics of included studies.

Descriptive Analysis

Two hundred sixty-two participants from all seven studies have been included, ranging from 4-16 years. The included studies were randomised, controlled, cross-over clinical trials conducted in the UK and India, published between 2002 to 20022. Of these, three studies used oral midazolam as the intervention [18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.

[19] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A study of the effectiveness of oral midazolam sedation for orthodontic extraction of permanent teeth in children: a prospective, randomised, controlled, cross-over trial. Br Dent J 2002; 192(8):457-462.
-20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
], one utilised midazolam intravenously [8[8] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. Randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical trial comparing intravenous midazolam sedation with nitrous oxide sedation in children undergoing dental extractions. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(6):850-856.
], one administered it buccally (transmucosal) [21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.
], and two administered it intranasally [22[22] Srinivasan NK, Karunagaran P, Panchal V, Subramanian E. Comparison of the sedative effect of inhaled nitrous oxide and intranasal midazolam in behavior management and pain perception of pediatric patients: A split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14(Suppl 2):S111-S116.
,23[23] Ann Preethy N, Somasundaram S. Safety and physiologic effects of intranasal midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation based sedation in children visiting Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, India. Bioinformation 2022; 18(1):26-35.
]. All studies titrate nitrous oxide to a maximum dose of 30% and oxygen at 70%. Only one study extracted primary teeth [20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
], whereas four involved orthodontic extraction of premolars or canines [8[8] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. Randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical trial comparing intravenous midazolam sedation with nitrous oxide sedation in children undergoing dental extractions. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(6):850-856.
,18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.
,19[19] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A study of the effectiveness of oral midazolam sedation for orthodontic extraction of permanent teeth in children: a prospective, randomised, controlled, cross-over trial. Br Dent J 2002; 192(8):457-462.
,21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.
]. Bilateral pulp therapy was performed in two of the included studies [22[22] Srinivasan NK, Karunagaran P, Panchal V, Subramanian E. Comparison of the sedative effect of inhaled nitrous oxide and intranasal midazolam in behavior management and pain perception of pediatric patients: A split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14(Suppl 2):S111-S116.
,23[23] Ann Preethy N, Somasundaram S. Safety and physiologic effects of intranasal midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation based sedation in children visiting Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, India. Bioinformation 2022; 18(1):26-35.

Six studies have assessed the overall behaviour using Houpts Behaviour Rating Scale [8[8] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. Randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical trial comparing intravenous midazolam sedation with nitrous oxide sedation in children undergoing dental extractions. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(6):850-856.
,18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.

[19] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A study of the effectiveness of oral midazolam sedation for orthodontic extraction of permanent teeth in children: a prospective, randomised, controlled, cross-over trial. Br Dent J 2002; 192(8):457-462.

[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.

[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.
-22[22] Srinivasan NK, Karunagaran P, Panchal V, Subramanian E. Comparison of the sedative effect of inhaled nitrous oxide and intranasal midazolam in behavior management and pain perception of pediatric patients: A split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14(Suppl 2):S111-S116.
], whereas one study did not evaluate the behaviour [23[23] Ann Preethy N, Somasundaram S. Safety and physiologic effects of intranasal midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation based sedation in children visiting Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, India. Bioinformation 2022; 18(1):26-35.
]. The level of sedation was evaluated using multiple tools; five studies used the classification of emotional status designed by Brietkopf & Buttner [8[8] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. Randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical trial comparing intravenous midazolam sedation with nitrous oxide sedation in children undergoing dental extractions. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(6):850-856.
,18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.

[19] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A study of the effectiveness of oral midazolam sedation for orthodontic extraction of permanent teeth in children: a prospective, randomised, controlled, cross-over trial. Br Dent J 2002; 192(8):457-462.

[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
-21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.
], one study used Elli’s sedation scale [22[22] Srinivasan NK, Karunagaran P, Panchal V, Subramanian E. Comparison of the sedative effect of inhaled nitrous oxide and intranasal midazolam in behavior management and pain perception of pediatric patients: A split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14(Suppl 2):S111-S116.
], and one used the Modified Ramsay Sedation Scale [23[23] Ann Preethy N, Somasundaram S. Safety and physiologic effects of intranasal midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation based sedation in children visiting Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, India. Bioinformation 2022; 18(1):26-35.
]. Two of the included studies evaluated preand post-operative anxiety levels by Children's Fear survey schedule dental subscale. They also assessed the general anxiety levels by Spielberger state anxiety inventory [18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.
,21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.

The assessment of the risk of bias is presented in Figures 2 and 3. All seven selected studies were at high risk of bias because of insufficient outcome assessment blinding in all investigations. The study by Ann Preethy and Somasundaram [23[23] Ann Preethy N, Somasundaram S. Safety and physiologic effects of intranasal midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation based sedation in children visiting Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, India. Bioinformation 2022; 18(1):26-35.
] needed to be clearer on the blinding of participants and personnel, which may lead to performance bias. Two included studies were at risk of attrition bias [20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
,21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.

Figure 2
Risk of bias graph: review the author's judgments about each risk of bias item reported as a percentage across all included studies.

Figure 3
Summary of risk of bias: review the author's assessment of each risk of bias item for every included study.


Midazolam and nitrous oxide are regularly used as sedative agents in the dental office. This is the only systematic evaluation to examine the effectiveness and safety of these two agents when used individually for pediatric dental treatment. Considering the heterogeneity in methodology and assessment of studies, a meta-analysis could not be carried out.

Based on the method of induction, the included studies compared the conventional method of nitrous oxide with the oral [18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.

[19] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A study of the effectiveness of oral midazolam sedation for orthodontic extraction of permanent teeth in children: a prospective, randomised, controlled, cross-over trial. Br Dent J 2002; 192(8):457-462.
-20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
], intravenous [8[8] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. Randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical trial comparing intravenous midazolam sedation with nitrous oxide sedation in children undergoing dental extractions. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(6):850-856.
], transmucosal [21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.
], and intranasal [22[22] Srinivasan NK, Karunagaran P, Panchal V, Subramanian E. Comparison of the sedative effect of inhaled nitrous oxide and intranasal midazolam in behavior management and pain perception of pediatric patients: A split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14(Suppl 2):S111-S116.
,23[23] Ann Preethy N, Somasundaram S. Safety and physiologic effects of intranasal midazolam and nitrous oxide inhalation based sedation in children visiting Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, India. Bioinformation 2022; 18(1):26-35.
] routes of midazolam administration. Regardless of the dose, oral midazolam induced a significantly more profound level of sedation than nitrous oxide inhalation [18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.

[19] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A study of the effectiveness of oral midazolam sedation for orthodontic extraction of permanent teeth in children: a prospective, randomised, controlled, cross-over trial. Br Dent J 2002; 192(8):457-462.
-20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
]. However, intravenous and transmucosal administration of midazolam induced similar levels of sedation as nitrous oxide inhalation [8[8] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. Randomized, controlled, cross-over clinical trial comparing intravenous midazolam sedation with nitrous oxide sedation in children undergoing dental extractions. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(6):850-856.
,21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.
]. Another method of administering midazolam that has gained favour in recent years is the intranasal route; a mucosal atomization device is used to produce a fine 30 μm particle spray, which increases bioavailability to 55% leading to the rapid absorption of the drug into the systemic circulation [24[24] Knoester PD, Jonker DM, Van Der Hoeven RT, Vermeij TA, Edelbroek PM, Brekelmans GJ, et al. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of midazolam administered as a concentrated intranasal spray. A study in healthy volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2002; 53(5):501-507.

Regarding behaviour, the only study which showed some disparities in the scores given by Houpt behaviour rate scaling was the one where Wilson et al. [20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
] compared 0.3mg/kg midazolam to 30% nitrous oxide. The route of administration justifies this disparity, as the intravenous route involves the placement of a cannula, which can be painful for children. Unlike our findings, Tyagi et al. [25[25] Tyagi P, Dixit U, Tyagi S, Jain A. Sedative effects of oral midazolam, intravenous midazolam and oral diazepam. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2012; 36(4):383-388.
] found that overall behaviour with intravenous midazolam was significantly better than with oral midazolam.

Physiological aspects must be considered to assess the efficacy of the sedative approach under investigation thoroughly. Since respiratory depression is the most prevalent side effect of benzodiazepines [13[13] Sivaramakrishnan G, Sridharan K. Nitrous oxide and midazolam sedation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Anesth Prog 2017; 64(2):59-65.
], measuring arterial oxygen saturation is required to monitor both respiratory and cardiovascular function. An oxygen saturation of at least 90%, if not higher, should always be maintained in sedated patients [26[26] Girdler NM, Hill CM. Sedation in Dentistry. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1998.]. In all studies, the lowest arterial oxygen saturation observed throughout the session with the midazolam group was 97%. All other vitals were within acceptable clinical limits for both agents.

Adverse effects, including nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness, were found in both groups. Sneezing and hiccups were also seen in the intranasal groups. Midazolam-induced anterograde amnesia [27[27] Zhang Y, Li C, Shi J, Gong Y, Zeng T, Lin M, et al. Comparison of dexmedetomidine with midazolam for dental surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine 2020; 99(43):e22288.
] may be advantageous during painful procedures such as extractions, and the children under midazolam sedation were more forgetful of the therapy when compared to the nitrous oxide group [18[18] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A randomised, controlled, cross-over trial of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide for paediatric dental sedation. Anaesthesia 2002; 57(9):860-867.

[19] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. A study of the effectiveness of oral midazolam sedation for orthodontic extraction of permanent teeth in children: a prospective, randomised, controlled, cross-over trial. Br Dent J 2002; 192(8):457-462.
-20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.

The assessment of the risk of bias was computed using the Cochrane database and the seven assessment factors for a standardised process. All the included studies showed a high risk of bias as blinding of outcome assessments was not achieved. Moreover, the studies by Wilson et al. [20[20] Wilson KE, Girdler NM, Welbury RR. A comparison of oral midazolam and nitrous oxide sedation for dental extractions in children. Anaesthesia 2006; 61(12):1138-1144.
] in 2006 and 2007 [21[21] Wilson KE, Welbury RR, Girdler NM. Comparison of transmucosal midazolam with inhalation sedation for dental extractions in children. A randomized, cross-over, clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51(8):1062-1067.
] were at high risk of attrition bias due to incomplete outcome data on the participants who dropped out.

A limitation of this review is that the included studies have been carried out only in the UK and India, thereby restricting the external validity and generalisability of the findings. Moreover, high heterogeneity in doses of midazolam, routes of administration, and tools used for assessment was seen.


Midazolam and nitrous oxide can be used effectively and safely in children undergoing dental treatment. Both agents are equally effective for sedation and behaviour modification while maintaining vital levels. A significant difference is seen in the sedation depth and level of amnesia between midazolam when administered orally and nitrous-oxide inhalation. This review advocates the need for global studies to assess the efficacy and safety of midazolam and nitrous oxide in children of all ethnicities.

Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study can be made available upon request to the corresponding author.

  • Financial Support


  • [1]
    American Dental Association. Wells H. Horace Wells, dentist, father of surgical anesthesia: Proceedings of centenary commemorations of Wells; discovery in 1844 of lists of Wells' memorabilia, including bibliographies, meorials and testimonials. Hartford: Case, Lockwood and Brainard; 1948. 415p.
  • [2]
    Satya Prakash MVS, Sivasankar S, Elakkumanan LB, Mohan VK, Kamaladevi RK. Comparison of medication acceptance of intranasal midazolam administered by parents versus doctors in children - A randomized trial. Indian J Pharmacol 2020; 52(4):254-259.
  • [3]
    American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical Affairs. Guideline on appropriate use of nitrous oxide for pediatric dental patients. Pediatr Dent 2008; 30(7 Suppl):140-142.
  • [4]
    Council of European Dentists. CED resolution on the use of nitrous oxide inhalation sedation - Update. Available from: [Accessed on].
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    Wong YC, Zuo Z. Intranasal delivery--modification of drug metabolism and brain disposition. Pharm Res 2010; 27(7):1208-1223.
  • [6]
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Edited by

Academic Editor: Burak Buldur

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Mar 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    01 Mar 2023
  • Reviewed
    14 June 2023
  • Accepted
    17 July 2023
Associação de Apoio à Pesquisa em Saúde Bucal Avenida Epitácio Pessoa, 4161 - Sala 06, Miramar, CEP: 58020-388, João Pessoa, PB - Brasil, Tel.: 55-83-98773 2150 - João Pessoa - PB - Brazil