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Trajetórias, transições e âncoras de carreiras: um estudo comparativo e de recursos humanos

In the context of deep transformations which are happening in the contemporary organizations, the career redirections possess high potential of turning more and morefrequent. The objective of the present study consisted of researching transitions of human resources' professional careers, transitions that are a result of the loss of their employment, as well as the paths that they were delineated after the dismissal and the career anchors who guided those professionals. In general, the fact of passing through a career transition contributed to a change in the professionals' posture that, being accommodated in their employment, they passed insisting plus, what brought them benefits in terms of professional growth, amplification of knowledge and abilities, besides a larger satisfaction with the work, independently of him to take place in salary earner condition or autonomous. That study also showed that starting from the decisions, strategies and paths of a certain professional's career, it can be inferred which are this professional's principal anchors, which means the person purposes and the values that the person defends when thrashing the professional career. Like this, based on the choices and the studied professionals' paths, the anchors denominated autonomy and lifestyle were identified as the most common among them. The anchor regarding the technical and professional competence also appears, but in smaller degree, as it is associated to recycling and updating, which didn't really seem to be a central concern of those professionals. It falls to the society, as well as to its professionals, to pay more attention to those changes and be prepared to called phenomenon of the career transitions, that tends to enlarge more and more.

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