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High body fat among adolescents: association with sociodemographics and physical fitness factors

The objective was to verify the prevalence and factors associated with high body fat in adolescents from Januaria-MG, Brazil. The sample included 266 boys and 361 girls (15,47±1,06 years old). Adiposity was estimated by the sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness. The independent variables were: area of residence (urban and rural); age (14-15 and 16-17 years old); house income (high, medium and low); aerobic fitness, flexibility and muscular resistance (adequate and inadequate). Among boys, 13,91% exhibited adiposity excess, with higher (p<0.05) skinfold thicknesses sum been observed among boys with low house income and urban residence. Among girls, 33,24% exhibited adiposity excess, with higher (p<0.05) skinfold thicknesses sum been observed among girls with 16-17 years old and low house income. Adiposity excess was associates, only in boys, with urban residence and inadequate muscular resistance. Thus, boys seem to be more susceptible to environmental factors than girls.

Obesity; Overweight; Skinfold Thickness; Cross-Sectional Studies; Adolescent Health

Universidade Estadual Paulista Universidade Estadual Paulista, Av. 24-A, 1515, 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3526-4330 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil