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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Volume: 44, Número: 2, Publicado: 1946
  • Estudos sobre óleos de fígado de cação - II

    Cardoso, Humberto T.
  • A vegetação do município de ilhéus, Estado da Bahia: II observação e ligeiras considerações acêrca de espécies que ocorrem na regiçao: chave analítica das espécies arbóreas

    Veloso, Henrique P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    I - Short description of the species. II - Analytic key of the trees. III - List of the species collected with register number and author's number. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES - This section includes a short morphological analysis of the species and the study of their geographic distribution, locality, habitat and regional zonation. ANALYTIC KEY OF THE TREES - The author was obliged to make a morphological key for his use on account of the great difficulty met in identifying the species in the field. LIST OF SPECIES COLLECTED WITH REGISTER AND COLLECTOR'S NUMBERS - As the majority of the species from Ilheus are paratypes of the types described in "Flora Brasiliensis" it was decided to publish this list. The author's chief objective was to call the attention of specialists tothe undetermined material with a view to interesting them in studying it.
  • Estudos ecológicos dos crustáceos comestiveis Uça e Guaiamú, Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille e Ucides cordatus (L). Gecarcinidae, Brachyura

    Oliveira, Lejeune P. H. de

    Resumo em Português:

    As observações que fizemos nos mostraram que: Guaiamú (Cardisoma guanhumi) As tocas tem água quase doce; entre 2 partes de água do mar para 998 de água doce e 20 partes de água do mar para 980 de água doce. Agua de composição pouco variavel, a pequena concentração de sais cae mais por ocasião das chuvas. Toca sempre fresca, no verão atinge 23º C. Sem grandes variações. Toda escavada em terra arenosa. Não é invadida pelas aguas da maré. A toca é proxima a manguesais possue enxames de mosquitos. As larvas de insetos crescem bem nesta água. Toca com cheiro das valas de água doce. Frepentemente o guaiamú sáe de seu buraco e vae para longe do manguesal. Ucá (Ucides cordatus) As tocas apresentam água salobra, de regime polihalino, com salinidade média anual variando entre 30 e 25 por mil. os uças na natureza não toleram a água de clorinidade 5, saem das tocas e passeiam pelo brejo procurando um local mais salgado (vimos isto em 4 set. 1939 e 6 abr. 1944). A toca do uça apresenta duas variações de salinidade em cada 24 horas, é levada duas vezes por dia pelas águas da preamar. os estuários as variações de salinidade são mais bruscas que nas ilhas, mesmo pouco afastadas das fozes de rios como a Ilha do Pinheiro. Toca muitas vêzes expostas ao sol, é quente de dia e fria de noite. No verão encontramos 44.5°C. A toca é escavada na argila preta macia, molhada pelas aguas da maré enchente. Toca dentro do manguesal, sem nenhuma larva de inseto. Toca em geral de cheiro particular, parecendo ao da marezia misturada com gazes sulfídricos e metânicos. Via de regra o uça se afasta pouco de seu buraco.
  • A vegetação do município de Ilhéus, Estado da Bahia: III - caracterização da vegetação pelo valôr dos índices das espécies

    Veloso, Henrique P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The indices found are analysed as a whole and general conclusions are drawn from them which may be of use in understanding many of the problems offered by the local flora (Ilhéus). The first column of the tables presented indicates the biological form of the species, showing the nature of the flora and the constitution of the climax. A total of 200 species of phanerophyta were found; 69 macrophanerophyta (trees), 54 are mesophanerophyta (treelets) and 77 are nanophanerophyta (shrubs). The macrophanerophyta are consequently considered as dominants and the meso-and nanophanerophyta as codominants (the biological forms: chamaephyta, hemicriptophyta, criptophyta, geophyta, therophyta, epiphyta and hydrophyta are subdominants), the more so as the first cover 80% and the others more or less 50%. This points to a climax of trees and a local vegetation mainly composed of trees also. The smaller forms are left out as they are beyond the present scope of this sort of wort in Brazil. The third column of ecological formulae indicates the reaction of the constituent species to light (C = sciophilous, F = photophilous and I = indifferents), the biological types of vegetation (H = hygrophytes, X = xerophytes and M = mesophytes) and the fidelity of the species to the climax. Of the species studied: 25 are pioneers (P. Table I), 63 are accidentals (A. Table II), 35 are companion species (O. Table III), 19 show preferences (E. Table with vitality Vn), 44 are selective (S. Table V) and 13 exclusive species (L. Table VI). This leads to the conclusion that the vegetation of the region is in full reconstitution. As to the ecological characteristics of the 200 species studied, 89 are either pioneers (a class separated by the author) or accidentals; this means that the devastated zones are being reconstituted in the subsere both with members of the prisere and alien species. Of the remaining species, 54 are companion, or accompanying species, which appear in most subclimax, serclímax and quasiclimax associations, and 57 are real constituents of the local climax. As all the species except the pioneers, selectives and exclusives (xerophytes and mesophytes) may be considered as hygrophytes this type evidently predominantes in the region and may constitute a hygrophilous serclimax and quasiclímax. In regard to light 101 are sciophilous, 32 indiferents and 67 photophilous. This leads to the conclusion that the vegetation comprises mainly tolerant species, showing the hygrophilous and mesophilous character of the region with a vegetation composed mostly of trees. The presence a large number of sciophilous species is easy to understand as the hygrophilous and mesophilous habitats and the dominance of trees favour the germination and growth of tolerant species. The last two columns analyse the percentage of individuals present and the occurrent classes to which they belong: 92 species vary between 1 and 9%; 50 between to 10 and 19%; 36 between 20 and 29%; 14 between 30 and 39%; and 8 between 40 and 49%. Only 8 species belong to occurrence class V; 14 to classe IV; 36 to class III; 50 to class II; and 92 to class I. This leads to the conclusion that the local formation is very unsociable and very complex, though the median coverture is 80% and the number of species is very large. The analysis of the data also shows that the climax is being reconstituted in the subsere with elements drawn from the prisere and alien species introduced either by man (following desvastation) or by other consequent factors (such as brusque changes of microclimates due to total or partial destruction). This modifies the subclimax appreciably and apparently also the climax of the local regional subsere. As a final conclusion it is suggested that as in the subsere the pioneer formation is xerophilous, the prisere also beging as a xerosere; but as there are and probably always were hydrophilous formation evolving in the same climate, the local climax is composed of species with medium exactions, that is of relative mesophites.
  • A atitude do cão na micção e os hormônios sexuais

    Martins, Thales; Valle, J. R.

    Resumo em Português:

    Neste trabalho foi estudada a influência dos hormônios sexuais sôbre a atitude do cão no ato de urinar. Enquanto nos machos castrados depois de quarto mês de idade não é evitado o aparecimento da atitude característica de elevação de uma das patas traseiras durante a emissão da urina, os castrados antes de segundo mês, em regra, conversam na idade adultao tipo infantil, isto é, afastamento das patas posteriores e leve abaixamento da bacia. A castração precoce, entretanto, não impede as tentativas copulatórias como a monta e os movimentos pélvicos. Cães castrados na infância e mantendo na idade afulta o comportamento infantil de micção começam a elevar uma das patas trazeiras depois do tratamento pela testosterona. O tratamento de machos castrados com estrogênicos não provocou o aparecimento da atitude urinária feminina, que é caracterizada pela flexão das patas traseiras, e abaixamento muito acentuado do trem posterior. Também a administração de testosterona a cadelas normais ou castradas, em regra, não fez, com que elas exibissem a postura masculina, esboçada apenas num único caso. A importância dos fatôres hormonais e nervosos envolvidos no mecanismo regulador foi comentada e discutida. Do exposto, pode-se concluir que o dimorfismo postural do cão no ato de urinar é um caráter sexual secundário e, pelo menos no macho, dependente da testosterona.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    It is known that dogs and bitches exhibit a peculiar body posture during micturition. In the infantile male, the hind limbs are spread with slight drooping of the pelvis; in the adult one of the hind legs is lifted, with flexion and adduction of the limb, urine being emmitted, in most cases, against a vertical object. This adult pattern has been initiated in our dogs between 5 and 8 months of age. In the infantile or adult female there is a flexion of both hind limbs, with pronounced drooping of the pelvis. Castration and hormonal treatment of males - Castration of males over four months old does not prevent, in most animals the appearance of the adult pattern of micturition. However, in 12 males castrated when 24-61 days old, 9 maintained the infantile urinary behavior through adult age, 1 exhibited the masculine, while 2 a mixed type, (infantile and adult). It is interesting to note that even the early castrates, though urinating like infantile, displayed mating attempts, with mounting and rythmic pelvic movements. After treatment of 4 early castrates with testosterone propionate, either oily injections or subcutaneous implants, the masculine urinary behavior has been induced in 3, and a mixed in 1. 4 castrated treated with injections of estradiol benzoate have not displayed the feminine pattern of micturition. castration and treatment of females - In the bitch, as we have said, the postural pattern is the same, either in the infantile or in the adult animal. In 9 castrated between 30 and 64 days after birth, no changes have been observed, until 16 months of age. After administration of testosterone propionate to 4 normal and 5 spayed bitches, 1 has exhibited questionable effects, while in 8 no masculinization of the urinary behavior has been induced, notwithstanding the morphologic effects, with considerable hypertrophy of the clitoris. Experiments are still in course, to test the effect of a more intensive and earlier treatment with estrongens and androgens, in both sexes, beginning in the first days of life. It is concluded that in the dog the body posture during micturition is a secondary sex character and, at least in the male, controled by the gonadal hormone. Early castration prevents the appearence of the adult masculine pattern, which is exhibited after testosterone treatment. The hormonal and nervous factors involved are discussed in the paper.
  • Epidemiologia da doença de Carlos Chagas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil

    Pinto, César
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde Av. Brasil, 4365 - Pavilhão Mourisco, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: (55 21) 2562-1222, Fax: (55 21) 2562 1220 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil