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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Volume: 38, Número: 3, Publicado: 1943
  • Linfangioma cístico congênito

    Torres, C. Magarinos; Villaça, João Ribeiro

    Resumo em Português:

    Os autores apresentaram um caso de linfangioma cístico congênito, localizado na região axilar esquerda e porção lateral correspondente do torax, em menina de 19 meses de idade, cujo tratamento cirúrgico teve pleno êxito. O tumor existia desde o nascimento, a sua estrutura histológica correspondendo à de linfangioma cístico, associada à de linfangioma cavernoso.
  • Toxoplasmose humana: meningoencefalomielite toxoplasmica: ocorrência em adulto e recemnascido

    Guimarães, F. Nery

    Resumo em Português:

    Desde 1914, com o trabalho inicial de Castellani, pesquisadores de diversos países teem assinado o encontro de toxoplasmose humana, o que foi até recentemente objeto de controvérsias. Como resultado dos trabalhos de Torres, Levaditi & coL, Wolf, Cowen & Paige, Pinkerton & Henderson e Sabin, a questão do parasitismo do homem por Toxoplasma, deve ser encarada considerando-se que teem sido descritos casos duvidosos e casos não duvidosos: a) Duvidosos, são os casos referidos por Castellani (Ceilão, 1914); Fedorovitch (Mar Negro, 1916); Chalmers & Kamar (Sudão, 1920); e Bland (Londres, 1930-31). b) Não duvidosos são os relatados por Janku (Praga, 1923); Torres, (Rio de Janeiro, 1927); Wolf & Cowen (New-York, 1937); Richter (Chicago, 1936: diagnósticado por Wolf & Cowen em 1938); Wolf, Cowen & Paige (New-York, 1939); Hertig (Massachusetts, 1935: diagnósticado por Pinkerton & Weinman em 1940); Pinkerton & Weinman (Lima-Peru, 1940); Sabin (dois casos, Cincinnati, 1941); Pinkerton & Henderson (dois casos, St. Louis, 1941); Paige, Cowen & Wolf (três casos, New-York, 1942); e De Lange (Amsterdam, 1929: diagnósticado por Paige, Cowen & Wolf em 1942). Destes relatos considerados como casos não duvidosos de toxoplasmose humana, 10 representam uma doença congênita (Torres e Paige, Wolf & Cowen) ocorrendo em crianças recemnascidas ou de poucos meses de vida. Como nas vezes em que foi possivel examinar as mães dessas crianças tratava-se de mulheres com aspecto sadio, concluiu-se que a moléstia, embora sumamente grave e mortal, pode apresentar uma forma inaparente. Em dois casos, provas de soro proteção demonstraram essa infecção materna inaparente, pelo encontro de anticorpos neutralizantes para Toxoplasma (Paige, Cowen & Wolf). Nada obstante não ter sido feito um estudo microscópico detalhado em todos os casos, a doença caracteriza-se por uma meningoence falomielite granulomatosa (Wolf & Cowen), associada frequentemente à miocardite e corioretinite. Os sintomas apresentados pelos pacientes, foram: febre, convulsões, distúrbios respiratórios, hidrocefalia, cianose, vômitos, labidade de temperatura, etc., sendo sinal diagnóstico de máxima importância, o encontro de focos de calcificação cerebral profunda e corioretinite em recem nascido (Dyke, Wolf, Cowen, Paige & Caffey) . Em dois casos de toxoplasmose verificados em pacientes de seis e oito anos respectivamente, foi encontrada uma encefalite clinicamente atípica, sendo que um deles sarou (Sabin). Os três casos restantes foram descritos em adultos; num deles as lesões não eram típicas (havia concomitância de infecção por Bartonella bacilliformis) e nos outros dois, a doença assumiu uma "forma exantemática", simulando as febres maculosas (Pinkerton & Henderson), sendo o achado mais importante microscopicamente, uma pneumonia intersticial. Alem da semelhança clínica, tambem os focos de encefalite encontrados nessa "forma exantemática" da toxoplasmose, são semelhantes aos descritos nas...

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Since Castellani's initial work in 1914, investigators of various countries have pointed out the occurrence of human toxoplasmosis, a fact which, still not long ago, was a matter of controversy. As resulting from the works of Torres, Levanditi & coworkers, Wolf, Cowen & Paige, Pinkerton & Henderson and Sabin, the problem of parasitism in man by Toxoplasma has to be faced taking into consideration that there have been described doubtful and undoubtful cases. Doubtful are the cases reported by Castellani (Ceylon, 1914); Fedorovitch (The Black Sea, 1916); Chalmers & Kamar (Sudan, 1920); and Bland (London, 1930-31). Undoubtful are those reported by Janku (Praga, 1923); Torres (Rio de Janeiro, 1927); Wolf & Cowen (New York, 1937); Richter (Chicago, 1936: diagnosed by Wolf & Cowen in 1938); Wolf, Cowen & Paige (New York, 1939); Hertig (Massachusetts, 1935: diagnosed by Pinkerton & Weinman in 1940); Pinkerton & Weinman (Lima, Peru, 1940); Sabin (2 cases, Cincinnati, 1941); Pinkerton & Henderson (2 cases, Saint Louis, 1941); Paige, Cowen & Wolf (3 cases, New York, 1942); and De Lange (Amsterdam, 1929: diagnosed by Paige, Cowen & Wolf in 1942) .Of these reports considered as undoubtful cases of human toxoplasmosis, 10 represent congenital disease (Torres and Paige, Wolf & Cowen), having occurred in either new born or a-few-month-old children. As in the cases, in which it was possible to examine the mothers of those children, these women were of a healthy appearance, the conclusion was drawn that the disease, although extremely severe and fatal, can present an unapparent form. In 2 cases, serum protection tests proved such an unapparent infection of the mothers, in whom neutralizing antibodies against Toxoplasma were met with (Paige, Cowen & Wolf). Although no detailed microscopical study has been made in all cases, the disease is characterized by granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (Wolf & Cowen), often associated with myocarditis and chorioretinitis. The symptoms presented by the patients were: fever, convulsions, respiratory disturbances, hydrocephalus, cyanosis, vomiting, temperature lability, etc., the diagnostic sign of the greatest importance being the presence of foci of profound cerebral calcification and chorioretinitis in new born (Wolf, Cowen & Paige). In 2 cases of toxoplasmosis verified in one 6 and the other 8 years old, patients, an encephalitis, clinically atypical, was met with, one of them having recovered his health (Sabin). The remaining three cases were described in adults; in one of them the changes were not typical (these was a concomittant infection by Bartonella bacilliformis) and in the two others the disease assumed an "exanthematous form", simulating a macular fever (Pinkerton & Henderson), the most important microscopical evidence being an interstitial pneumonia. Apart from the clinical similarity, also the encephalitis foci met with in this "exanthematous form" of toxoplasmosis resemble those described in "macular fevers"…
  • Possibilidades de transmissão e vias de inoculação da lepra murina em ratos e outros animais

    Linhares, Herminio

    Resumo em Português:

    1) O A. revê as vias de infecção naturais e os processos de inoculações empregados em ratos, no estudo da lepra murina. 2) Na natureza, o contacto prolongado de animal sadio com doente e a infecção por via gástrica devem ser os modos comuns de contaminação. 3) Foram encontrados dentro do Polyplax spinulosa (Burmeister) capturados em ratos leprosos, bacilos ácido álcool resistentes. Tentativas de cultura com êste material, foram infrutíferas. 4) O A. infectou ratos colocando no estômago, por meio de sondas de vidro, material leproso. Em cinco animais, todos se infectaram. 5) Por via subcutânea e por via intraperitoneal, a infecção se processa em quase 100% dos casos. 6) Foi possível infectar gambás (Didelphis aurita) com lepra murina. Êsses animais provavelmente são mais suscetíveis à lepra dos ratos que à humana. 7) Conseguiu-se infectar pinto por inoculação de emulsão de lepra murina no músculo do peito, por via intraperitoneal e por via gástrica. 8) Pombos também se infectaram após inoculação no músculo do peito e por via venosa.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    1) The A. reviews the routes of natural transmission of rat leprosy and the experimentally induced disease. 2) The infection in the natural disease must be made by contact with an infected rat or through the gastro-intestinal route by eating infected tissue. 3) They were found acid-fast bacilli in lice (Polyplax spinulosa) caught on rats dying of leprosy; but it was impossible to obtain cultures in Löwenstein medium, from these lice. 4) Rat leprosy emulsion introduced into the stomach, may infect rats. Five rats fed with infected material became infected. 5) After subcutaneous or intraperitoneal inoculation there were obtained infection in almost 100% of cases. 6) It was possible to infect Didelphis aurita after inoculation of infected rat material. These animals most likely are more susceptible to rat leprosy than to human leprosy. 7) It was possible to infect chicks by inoculation in chest muscle, by intraperitoneal injection and by gastrointestinal route. 8) It was possible to infect pigeon by inoculation in chest muscle and by intravenous inoculation.
  • Aspectos parasitários observados no local inoculado com esporozoitos de Plasmodium Gallinaceum

    Paraense, Lobato

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The following is a summary of the studies made on the development of Plasmodium gallinaceum sporozoites inoculated into normal chicks. Initially large numbers of laboratory reared Aëdes aegypti were fed on pullets heavily infected with gametocytes. Following the infectious meal the mosquitoes were kept on a diet of sugar and water syrup until the appearance of the sporozoites in the salivary glands. Normal chicks kept in hematophagous arthropod proof cages were then inoculated either by bite of the infected mosquitoes or by subcutaneous inoculations of salivary gland suspensions. By the first method ten mosquitoes fed to engorgement on each normal chick and were then sacrificed immediately afterwards to determine the sporozoite count. By the second method five pairs of salivary glands were dissected out at room temperature, triturated in physiological saline and inoculated subcutaneously. The epidermis and dermis at the site of inoculation were excised from six hours after inoculation to forty eight hours after appearance of the parasites in the blood stream and stretched out on filter paper with the epithelial surface downward. The dermis was then curretted. Slides were made of the scrapings consisting of connective tissue and epithelial cells of the basal layers which were fixed by metyl alcohol and stained with Giemsa for examination under the oil immersion lens. Skin fragments removed from normal chicks and from regions other than the site of inoculation in the infected chicks were used as controls. In these, only the normal histological aspect was ever encountered. In the biopsy made at the earliest period following inoculation clearly defined elongated forms with eight or more chromatin granules arranged in rosary formation were found. The author believes these to be products of the sporozoite evolution. Search for transition stages between these forms and sporozoites is planned in biopsies to be taken immediately following inoculation and at given intervals up to the six hour period. 1.) 6 and 12 hour periods. The bodies referred to above found in the first period in great abundance, apparently in proportion to the large numbers of sporozoites inoculated, were perceptibly reduced in numbers in the second period. 2.) 18 hour period. Only one biopsy was examined. This presented a binuclear body shown in Fig. 1, having a more or less hyaline protoplasm staining an intense blue and a narrow vacuole delimiting the cell boundaries. The two chromatin grains were quite large presenting a clearly defined nuclear texture. 3.) 24 hour period. A similar body to that above (Fig. 2) was seen in the only preparation examined. 4.) 60 hour period. The exoerythrocytic schizonts were found more frequently from this period onward. Several such were found no longer to contain the previously described vacuoles (Fig. 3). 5.) 84 hour period. Cells bearing eight or more schizonts were frequently encountered here. That these are apparently not bodies in process of division may be seen in Fig. 4. From this time onward small violet granules similar to volutine grains appeared constantly in the schizont nucleus and protoplasm. These are definitely not hemozoin. The above observations fell within the incubation period as repeated examinations of the peripheral and visceral blood were negative. Exoery-throcytic parasites also were never encountered in the viscera at this time. Exoerythrocytic schizonts searched for at site of inoculation 1, 24 and 48 hours after the incubation period were present in large number at all three times with apparent tendency to diminish as the number within the blood stream increased. Many of them presented the violet granules mentioned above. The appearance of the chromatin and the intensity of staining of the protoplasm varied from body to body which doubtless corresponds to the evolutionary stage of each. This diversity of aspect may frequently be seen in the parasites of the same host cell (Fig. 5.). These findings lend substance to the theory that the exoerythrocytic forms are the link between the sporozoites and the pigmented parasites of the red blood corpuscles. The explanation of their continued presence in the organism after infection of the blood stream takes place and their presence in cases infected by the inoculation blood does not come within the scope of this work. Large scale observations shortly to be undertaken will be reported in more detail particularly observations on the first evolutionary phases of the sporozoite within the organism of the vertebrate host.
  • Estudos sobre nematodeos filarideos: Dipetalonema caudispina (Molin 1858)

    Freitas, J. F. Teixeira de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The A. studies critically the literature on D. caudispina (Molin, 1858) and concludes that it is a good species, differing from D. gracilis (Rudolphi, 1809), principally, by the longer spicule. This conclusion is confirmed by the study of material collected by d'Almeida in the abdominal cavity of one specimen of Ateles paniscus (L.), of the State of Pará, Brazil. In contradiction to Stiles & Hassall's opinion the A. indicates this monkey for host-type of the Molin's species. A synonymic list and a redescription of D. caudispina are given.
  • Alterações patológicas do apêndice vermiforme contendo Proglottis de Taenia sp

    Torres, C. Magarinos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Pathological changes in the vermiform appendix harbouring tapeworm's proglottides are reported. Marked local (tissue) eosinophilia in the stroma of the mucous coat and to a less degree in the sub-mucosa and around the vessels in the inner circular layer of the muscular coat is the essential change observed. Peculiar changes such as an striking increase in the volume of the mucus-producing goblet-cells either in the epithelium covering the free surface or in the glands of Lieberkühn, as well as new epithelium atypical in form and arrangement were noticed in direct connection and likely induced by the tapeworn as a foreign body (mechanical injury). The local (tissue) eosinophilia probably represents an anaphylactoid response to foreign proteins originating in the tapeworm. Acute appendicitis in its recognized varieties such as appendicitis superficalis catarrhalis, a. s. exulcerans, a. s. haemorrhagica, a. phlegmonosa, and a. phlegmonosa-ulcerosa could be microscopically excluded. It seems, however, that local (tissue) eosinophilia when particularly widespread is able to give clinical symtoms suggestive of acute appendicitis.
  • Relatório da sétima excursão científica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, realizada á zona da Estrada de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil, em maio de 1942

    Travassos, Lauro; Freitas, J. F. Teixeira de
  • Associação entre Mallophaga e Hippoboscidae

    Hathaway, Charles R.
  • O automatismo do segmento de intestino delgado dos mamíferos

    Xavier, Antonio Augusto

    Resumo em Francês:

    On peut distinguer dans la préparation de l'intestin grêle des mammifères, isolé et en perfusion, deux fonctions élémentaires: 1) le tonus du muscle lisse; 2) l'activité rythmique et automatique de ce muscle (automatisme rythmique). L'activité rythmique et automatique de la préparation de l'intestin grêle ne dépend pas directement du tonus de la préparation, comme on peut le démonter par nombre de faits d'observation. Ainsi, par exemple, les oscilations rythmiques peuvent persister au moment d'altérations brusques du tonus de la préparation du muscle de l'instestin grêle, qu'elles soient positives (augmentation du tonus), ou négatives (diminution du tonus). Ce fait démontre d'une façon sure l'indèpendance des deux fonctions et temoigne de l'existence de substrata histologiques spécifiques attribués á chacune des deux fonctions élémentaires de l'intestin grêle isolé et en perfusion. Le plexus d'AUERBACH ne doit pas être consideré comme le substratum anatomique de la fonction automatique de l'intestin grêle. Le substratutum de l'activité rythmique et automatique de l'intestin parait être réprésenté par le réseau de cellules de la paroi de l'intestin, décrites par S. RAMON Y CAJAL sous le non de cellules intersticielles.
  • Introdução ao estudo biométrico dos hemoflagelados do gênero Schizotrypanum: I. Introdução, material e técnica, problema e métodos estatísticos

    Dias, Emmanuel; Freitas Filho, Lincoln de
  • Novo transmissor silvestre do "Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi" (Chagas, 1909)

    Guimarães, F. Nery; Jansen, Geth

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In nests of opossum (Didelphis aurita), localized in palm-trees of the species Attalea indaya Dr., the authors found a new tritatoma, the description of which is being made by Dr. H. LENT. They verified that this triatoma had been naturally infected by Trypanosoma (Schizotrhypanum) cruzy. Two guinea-pigs were subsequently infected by peritoneal inoculation of excrements of this new triatoma. The xenodiagnosis of these guinea-pigs, made with normal nymphas of. T. megistus and T. infestans resulted positive after 25 days. Evidence was obtained of being the opossum (Didelphis) one of the sources infection of the new vector, because several specimens of them were found infected, and also a specimen of D. aurita, which contained trypanosomes with the morphology of T. (S.) cruzy in the peripheral blood.
  • Considerações sobre Cephisus siccifolius (Walker, 1871) (Homoptera: Cercopidae)

    Hathaway, Charles R.
  • Infecção espontanêa e experimental de Hematófagos (Ixodídeos, Triatomídeos, Culicídeos, Hirudíneos, Pediculídeos e Cimicídeos) em leprosos: possibilidade de serem eles vectores ou transmissores da lepra

    Souza-Araújo, H. C. de
  • Triatomídeos da Guiana Holandesa: redescrição de Panstrongylus lignarius (Walker, 1873)

    Lent, Herman
  • Novo transmissor da doença de Chagas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, D. F.: estudo dos gêneros Belminus Stal, 1859, Bolbodera Valdés, 1910 e descrição de Parabelminus carioca n. g., n. sp. (Hemiptera, Triatomidae)

    Lent, Herman
  • Ecologia do Anopheles gambiae: pesquisas preliminares sôbre a viabilidade dos ovos que ficam fora da água

    Castro, G. M. de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Within the possibilities offered by an emergency laboratory in Aracati, Ceará State, we studied the resistance of the eggs of Anopheles gambiae, maintained out of water under different conditions of temperature and humidity. The resistance observed was insufficient to justify special mosquito-control measures. The same results were obtained with larvae and pupae at low temperature. The analysis of the data concerning the egg resistance showed that hatching depends on stimuli.
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde Av. Brasil, 4365 - Pavilhão Mourisco, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: (55 21) 2562-1222, Fax: (55 21) 2562 1220 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil