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This article presents a preliminary study of the institutional approach through the lens of economic geography. In the theoretical framework, the line of thought of Veblen (1965)VEBLEN, Thorstein. A teoria da classe ociosa: um estudo econômico das instituições. São Paulo: Pioneira, 1965. and Douglass North (1993) on institutional economics is highlighted, recovering concepts such as institutions and organizations. The ideas which are specifically highlighted are Martin’s (1996MARTIN, Ron; GREGORY, Derek, SMITH, Graham. (Org.). Geografia humana: sociedade, espaço e ciência social. Trad. Mylan Isaack. Rev.técn. Pedro Geiger. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1996, p.31-64., 2000)MARTIN, Ron. Institutional approaches in economic geography. A companion to economic geography. London: Black Well Publishers, 2000, p.77-94., being new economic geography, using the concepts of environment and institutional arrangement. These ideas are based on the recognition that the theoretical perspective which is adopted opens a possibility of analysis and understanding of long-term dynamics, contradictions and all necessary adjustments to structural change. Finally, it is deemed pertinent to consider the inclusion of the institutional approach in geographical studies as an alternative for understanding territory.

Key words:
Institutional approach; Economic geography; Regional analysis; Spatial territory

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