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Darwinian Beauty1 1 Funding: This work has been financed by the research projects PUNQ 1401/15 (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina), UNTREF 80120230100039TF (Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero, Argentina), PICT-2018-3454 y PICT-2020-SERIEA-01653 (ANPCyT, Argentina), and UBACyT 20020190200360BA (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina).


It is not always considered that the discussion about the objective or subjective nature of beauty occurred partly in natural history, within the framework of the Darwinian revolution. The approaches of many pre-Darwinian naturalists assumed the existence of absolute standards of beauty. This idea was a presupposition in some versions of the great chain of being and in the idea that beauty was an objective characteristic of creation that could explain the possession of many traits of organisms. In this paper I will show how Darwin explicitly confronted both views throughout his work.

Charles Darwin; Beauty; chain of being; functional biology; sexual selection

UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 251, 13083-859 Campinas-SP, Tel: (55 19) 3521 6523, Fax: (55 19) 3289 3269 - Campinas - SP - Brazil