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Transnational identities and the state: vigour and stubbornness?

Out of rising of a new global civil society, many debates have been opened about the "aging of the modern State" and its possible supersiding. Yet, do the new social movements intend to destroy the State's foundations, or to challenge the State's bureaucratic model? Or do they present feasible democratic alternatives to it? However possible and defensible is the idea that the States are loosing ground to great or small economic, political and societal organizations, which grow out of transnational interests, the question remains: why do the States persist? Are the States more resistant to changes, and international and transnational arrangements, than it was supposed when the globalization process have started its new development?

Global Civil Society; Transnational Identities; State

CEDEC Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea - CEDEC, Rua Riachuelo, 217 - conjunto 42 - 4°. Andar - Sé, 01007-000 São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Telefones: (55 11) 3871.2966 - Ramal 22 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil